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Con este artículo simplemente se quiere poner en cuestión el concepto paisajes culturales -en principio, como sustituto de patrimonio- lo cual plantea un acercamiento distante y…
Outside the Amazon, few know more about this region´s wild and cultivated fruits than Nigel Smith. In recent years he´s examined just about every aspect of the obscure fruits that…
Tropical forests and associated disturbed habitats (successionary communities created by tree falls, landslides, shifting river channels, and clearing by people) are orders of…
The paper is a review of the book "Anatomy of the Amazon Gold Rush" by David Cleary. In the book, Cleary specifically sets out to discuss the cultural and environmental impact of…
Some of the perceived virtues of agroforestry may have been oversold, but it is certainly less damaging to the environment than some other land uses, particularly cattle ranching…
One of the most interesting and durable environmental modifications was the creation of Amazonian Dark Earths, including both terra petra do índio and terra mulata, whose origin…
La ciudad es el espacio donde se desenvuelven múltiples acciones sociales y bajo la cual también se desarrollan variadas y nuevas formas de violencia. Este ha sido un tema…
The decade-old Transamazon Highway provides useful stage for examining some of the major issues related to frontier conquest and the impact of pioneer settlement on one of the…
Amazonia, the world´s largest tropical rain forest, is often assumed to be a virtually untouched wilderness. The region is often referred to as a demographic void; there is on…
Amazonia contains the largest stretch of tropical rain-forest, this vast mosaic of forest communities, secundary growth, natural and Man-induced grasslands and swamps, contains…
The paper is a review of the book Amazonia: Agriculture and Land Use Research, edited by Susanna Hecht. The book is the proceedings of a conference held at CIAT (Centro…
The purpose of this study is to analyze the constraints holding back a fuller deployment of agroforestry systems in the Brazilian Amazon, and to identify opportunities for…