The Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences is an international organization that emerged in 1956 at the UNESCO General Conference. Its original objective was to support Latin American countries’ creation of social science institutions that could provide previously inexistent spaces for research and analyses; these, in turn, would help to propel the development Latin American societies. In 1957, the Agreement of Rio de Janeiro established the creation of FLACSO, originally signed by the governments of Chile and Brazil, but eventually incorporating a total of 17 Latin America and the Caribbean countries.
FLACSO’s International System can boast academic programs and campusses in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Uruguay.
The FLACSO Campus in Ecuador was established in 1974 through an agreement between the Ecuadorian State and FLACSO’s international system. The institution is part of the Ecuadorian University System and was recognized by the Higher Education Law on 2000.
The institution aims at producing and disseminating Social Sciences knowledge and information through a high-quality research and education ruled by criteria of pluralism, freedom, and academic autonomy, as well as contributing to the development of Latin American thought and to promote social justice.
San Salvador E7-42 y La Pradera
Pbx: (593-2) 2946800 (ext 4711) (ext. 4712) (ext 4731)
Quito - Ecuador
We will be happy to answer all your questions, comments and suggestions.
Working Team Flacso Andes:

Adriana Ríos

Sandra Rochina

Belén Ortega