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Este artículo es una exploración etnográfica de las poéticas de reproducir el yo-sujeto y la vida a través de la cacería entre los jodï, un grupo de alrededor de 900 personas que…
The debate over the distinction between life form and generic ranks provides the theoretical backdrop of this article. The case of the frailejón folk botanical taxon is described…
Se evaluó la situación de algunas helmintiasis intestinales entre los indios piaroa, del Estado Amazonas, Venezuela, una sociedad cuyos patrones de vivienda y asentamiento han…
The study and documentation of folk people%u2019s classification and use of the biological world has experienced phenomenal growth during the last quarter century. However, some…
Over the past 20 years numerous authors have pointed out the vital link between biological and cultural diversity, argued that the fast erosión of the earth's evolved endowment of…
In the last few decades, the harmful impacts of people on the natural environment have been reported and condemned extensively. Modern human activities are considered particularly…
During the past two decades, several authors have advanced the notion that the Amazonian-Orinoco lowlands consist of eminently anthropogenic rather than pristine ecosystems (Smith…
Nas primeiras décadas do século XX, foi construído um regime legal internacional voltado ao controle de drogas consideradas perigosas tanto à saúde individual e pública, quanto à…
El artículo sistematiza un proceso que muestra la ampliación del margen de maniobra que se produce en la acción social y en la capacidad de los actores sociales para incidir sobre…
Until very recently, South American rainforest Indians were portrayed either as timeless, bounded and atomistic societies adapted intimately to their natural surroundings or as…
A phytosociological study was carried out in four 1-ha forest plots in the Sierra Maigualida region, Venezuelan Guayana. Density, dominance, and frequency values were calculated…
Neste artigo, baseado na tese que a política externa tem impacto distributivo dentro de um país e afeta de formas diferentes todas as classes sociais, pretende-se inferir o…