Agora Editorial Policy

In this space are published: documents of work, papers, contributions of books, articles or essays about de Andean Region and Latin America in general, in the different Social Science areas.
Agora main characteristic is that you are able to upload a document, under some editorial policies that are describe as follow: 
1.       Digital written works are published mainly in Spanish, Portuguese and English.
2.       The digital works should be of good quality.
3.       Documents should haves a minimum extension of 10 pages to a maximum of 25 pages, including notes and bibliographic references.
4.       If you have some graphics, illustrations, photography, pictures or any kind of other material in your document; you will have only 2 megas to upload.
5.       The archive can be on: doc., docx., rtf., txt., pdf., xls., xlsx., ppt.
6.       The document should be written, preferably, in Times New Roman of 12 points and in a double space of paragraphs.
7.       In the front page of the document should clearly appear the date of elaboration; the tittle; the name of the author(s), compiler(s), or editor(s): the job position and institutional ascription; electronic mail address and telephone number.
8.       Although, the notes, quotes, references and any bibliographic information depends of the nature of the investigation and of the methodological proposal itself, we prefer that they should be ordered accordingly to the APA rules. (American Psychological Association).
9.       The editorial team reserves the right of take down or unhang.
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