Populist redemption and the unfinished democratization of Latin America
Carlos de la Torre
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De la Torre, Carlos (1998). "Populist Redemption and the Unfinished Democratization of Latin America". Constellations Vol 5, N 1, March: 85-95.
The re-elections of Carlos Menem in Argentina and Alberto Fujimori in Peru, and
the unstable and corrupt presidencies of Fernando Collor in Brazil and Abdalá
Bucaram in Ecuador, have brought back the discussion on Latin American
populism. Contrary to the dominant views of populism as a phase in the region´s
history, understood either as a transitory stage towards modernization, or as a
political phenomenon linked to import substitution industrialization, the re-emergence
of populist leaders poses again fundamental political problems. Continuing
the unresolved issues raised by debates on classical populism, the questions that
need to be addressed from an empirical and normative standpoint are: What is the
relationship between Latin American populism and democracy? What is the
pattern of incorporation of the popular sectors into the national political community,
and how do they differ from the Western experience? And what are the specificities
of really existing Latin American democracies?