Neopopulism in Contemporary Ecuador: The Case of Bucaram´s Use of the Mass Media
Carlos de la Torre
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De la Torre, Carlos (1999). "Neopopulism in Contemporary Ecuador: The Case of Bucaram´s Use of the Mass Media". International Journal of Politics, Culture and Society, Vol 12, N 4: 555-571.
This essay examines arguments of the decay and transformation of
politics by focusing on a case study. It explores the relationship of the
media-television and the press-with Ecuadorian populist leader Abdala
Bucaram. Instead of assuming that television in itself explains his election.
I analyze how Bucaram used this medium together with traditional mechanisms
such as political machineries based on clientelist networks and electoral
rallies. Differently from the views of television as a medium with the
power to manipulate citizens, I study "how people make sense of the media
and what groups and traditions help people mediate media content." Media
images are created and interpreted within particular political cultures, and
journalists and other media professionals have an important role in decoding
media content.