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Global perspectives on the social organization of care in times of crisis: Assessing the policy challenges ahead.

Amaia Pérez Orozco
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Pérez, Amaia (2009). Global perspectives on the social organization of care in times of crisis: Assessing the policy challenges ahead. Pp. 4-17. En Gender, Migration and Develpoment. Santo Domingo: Instraw
The study of global care chains looks more often at Asian migration (or interregional migration as in the case of the US) and rarely at migration from Latin America or the Caribbean, which is the focus of these papers. The first paper asks: what is happening, while this second paper considers: how to intervene in what is happening. The intention is to launch these in a public debate is three-fold: (1) to show the importance of including caregiving in the discussion of development, (2) to show that we cannot talk about caregiving without considering globalization and migration, and (3) to raise new elements of reflection such as care as an issue of development from a transnational perspective for those already working in the area of social organization of care.