The EU and
the `special ten´:
deepening or widening:
Strategic Partnerships?
Susanne Gratius
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Gratius, Susanne (2011). The EU and
the `special ten`:
deepening or widening
Strategic Partnerships?. Policy Brief. FRIDE No.76, 1-5.
the `special ten`:
deepening or widening
Strategic Partnerships?. Policy Brief. FRIDE No.76, 1-5.
In the last two decades, the EU has established ten Strategic
Partnerships (SPs). The `special ten´ are unequal in size, power,
status and resource endowments. They differ in their adherence to
European values and relevance to European core interests. No clear
criteria for selection of an SP can be identified. Some of the special ten
are global or regional powers; others are smaller countries without
international leverage. The signing of free trade agreements with the
EU is an exception rather than the norm; apparently it is not a precondition
for a country to be upgraded as a strategic partner. The
traditional SPs are with the advanced economies of Canada, Japan and
the United States; the seven more recent strategic partners (the so-called
BRICSAMS of Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Mexico and
South Korea) still receive development cooperation.