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From Disney to Chavez: Venezuelan Migrants in the U.S.
Lourdes Gouveia, Ph.D.,
Rogelio Saenz, Ph.D y
Jasney Cogua, Ph.D.
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Published and/or Presented at:
IV Congreso de la Red Internacional de Migración y Desarrollo. Crisis Global y Estrategias Migratorias: hacia la redefinición de las políticas de movilidad. 18, 19 y 20 de Mayo del 2001. Flacso-Quito, Ecuador.
Much like the rest of Latin America, Venezuela succumbed to the combined and
devastating impacts of the debt crisis of the 1980s and the free-market policies purportedly
aimed at overcome it. The collapse of national industries, rising unemployment, currency
devaluations and the erosion of safety nets inaugurated an era of unprecedented poverty (nearly
80% by the early 1990s), political unrest, increasing crime rates and widespread corruption
(particularly in the financial and governmental sectors). These events, combined with heightened
class and ideological polarization under the controversial administration of President Hugo
Chavez, have helped transformed Venezuela from an immigrant to an emigrant country. The
majority of these migrants hail from the largest cities and from the higher socio-economic ranks.
Many were trained in United States universities as engineers, scientists and telecommunication
specialists during the 1970s. Oil not only financed an ambitious, state-led, industrialization
program, but one of the largest national scholarship programs for study abroad (Gran Mariscal de
Ayacucho scholarship program) and expanding middle class. The collapse of that
industrialization model dampened many of these U.S.-trained professionals, and would-be
migrants,expectations for uninterrupted social mobility or a middle-class lifestyle somewhat
unrealistically set to U.S. standards. Under President Chavez administration, the reversal of
neoliberal policies of privatization and state de-regulation, has led to an even deeper
restructuring of the domestic economy. The collapse of direct foreign investment and the
rechanneling of resources away from the professional middle class and toward the social
budget, have further diminished the hopes of formally-educated Venezuelans to realize their
home-spun version of the American dream at home. Moreover, the mass consumerism that
had provided a social glue and kept the poorest strata content or at a distance, began to collapse
in the 1980s. Under the Chavez administration, social divisions have been exacerbated. This
fact, combined with a whole host festering social problems and the collapse of societal
institutions, has engendered a climate of generalized insecurity and increasing levels of crime
and violence. This has caused many Venezuelan middle class professionals to view migration
as, not simply a means toward upward mobility, but a necessary step to protect their families
from inevitable harm.