Different channels of impact of education on poverty: an analysis for Colombia
Blanca Zuluaga
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Zuluaga, Blanca (2007). " Different channels of impact of education on poverty: an analysis for Colombia". Center for Economic Studies -CES, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven and Universidad Icesi Colombia.
There exists a vast amount of contributions in the literature of multidimensional
poverty, according to which poverty should not be analysed exclusively as a problem
of lack of income (Sen (1985)). Indeed, the most recent literature on measurement of
poverty has been oriented to provide an appropriate methodology for the estimation of
aggregate multidimensional indices (Atkinson and Bourguignon (1982), Bourguignon
and Chakravarty (1999), Tsui (1994, 2002)). Following this line of research, a proper
analysis of the impact of education on poverty should consider not only its income
dimension: other channels of impact on different poverty dimensions are also