A creative perspective of environmental impacts by native amazonian human populations
Egleé López
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López, E. (1998) A creative perspective of environmental impacts by native amazonian human populations. Recuperado de:
In the last few decades, the harmful impacts of people on the natural environment have been reported and condemned extensively. Modern human activities are considered particularly dramatic in reducing the diversity of life and destroying natural habitats, increasing erosion, deforestation, and desertification processes, degrading the soils, limiting the supply of fresh water, and changing the global climate. One of the causes of these degrading environmental processes concens the need to increase food production due to the rapid growth of human population, which some authors believe has already exceeded the carrying capacity of earth. A less explicit cause has to do with a human-centered economic and environmental ethic which ignores the value of services of nature and promotes both human abuse of the environment and unequal distribution of resources. A radical shift in environmental ethics demands a new approach to nature, rejecting the widely accepted anthropocentric paradigm and exhorts strongly to adopt an ecocentric perspective in which environment encompasses humans and not the other way around.