Legislative Coalitions and Judicial Turnover: The Case of Ecuador´s Constitutional Court (1999-2007)
Santiago Basabe Serrano y John Polga-Hecimovich
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Basabe Serrano, Santiago, and John Polga-Hecimovich. 2009. “Legislative Coalitions and Judicial Turnover: The Case of Ecuador´s Constitutional Court (1999-2007)”. Paper prepared to XXI World Congress of Political Science organized, International Political Science Association (IPSA), Santiago de Chile, July12 to16, 2009.
This paper explains judicial turnover in Ecuador’s Constitutional Court. Using an original dataset of judges’ ideological preferences, political party ideological preferences, and both legislative and judicial coalitions from 1999 to 2007, we show that an increase in ideological distance between judges and congressional deputies increases the probability of judicial removal. We test this through short analytic narratives of Constitutional Court instability in four periods of turnover, and quantitatively through rare events logistic regression. According to our empirical evidence, congressional deputies turn over judges because judges vote sincerely, independent of changes in legislative coalitions.