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Forced Migrations and National Security
Fredy Rivera
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Rivera, Fredy (2009). Forced Migrations and National Security. En M.Viteri, A. Tobler (Eds.), Shifting Positionalities: The Local and Intemational Geo-Politics of Surveillance and Policing (171-182). UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
El actual fenómeno migratorio confronta ángulos que se contraponen y usualmente se contradicen al dar pie a políticas públicas. Un amplio rango de instituciones, desde gobiernos nacionales hasta organizaciones internacionales, dicta estos ángulos y políticas. Se necesita añadir un nuevo nivel de análisis, ya que la pobreza, el desempleo, las bajas expectativas de desarrollo y los desastres naturales son causas de migración. Este nivel de análisis señalará las maneras en las cuales los actores armados maniobran dentro de territorios tanto políticamente disimilares como geográficamente distantes, en tanto que las guerras y violencia se convierten en factores comunes. _____________________________________________________________________________
As I will illustrate throughout this paper, topical area studies that link migration issues to national security analysis can translate into an innovative space for academic reflection, applied research and political debate for the different social disciplines. These research studies might influence a range of theoretical and methodological points of view in the design of public policy. In Latin America specifically, studies on national security are no longer exclusive to the military and police. As such, these studies are becoming a deliberative field in which many social actors and organizations participate. In fact, it would be futile to deny how deeply entangled many areas of foreign policy, economics and public management are with security topics.