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Brazil´s Transamazon highway settlement scheme: agrovilas, agropoli, and ruropoli

Nigel J.H. Smith
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Smith, N. J. H. (1976). Brazil´s Transamazon highway settlement scheme: agrovilas, agropoli, and ruropoli. Proceedings of the Association of American Geographers. 8, 129-132.
In 1970, the Brazilian government embarked on a project effectively to occupy the "demographic void" of the world´s largest tropical rain forest, covering 5 million km2 of the Amazon basin. The pioneer Transamazon road, cutting 3.000 km across the southern interfluves of Amazonia, is to serve as a main axis for settlement and integration of the North. The paper reviews Transamazon settlement scheme with the progress of colonization in 1970-1975.