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Poverty, Headship, and Gender Inequality in Asset Ownership in Latin America.
Carmen Diana Deere, Gina E. Alvarado y Jennifer Twyman
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Deere, Carmen, Gina Alvarado y Jennifer Twyman. “Poverty, Headship and Gender Inequality in Asset Ownership in Latin America”. En Documento de Trabajo de Gender, Development and Globalization Program, Michigan State University, forthcoming, 2010.
Drawing on the recent Living Standard Measurement Studies for Latin
America and the Caribbean, this paper presents baseline indicators of the
degree of gender inequality in asset ownership for the eleven countries in
the region that have collected individual-level data on asset ownership.
Disaggregated data on housing ownership suggests that the distribution of
asset ownership by gender within households is much more equitable than
a headship analysis would suggest. The gender wealth gap is calculated for
the only country for which data on a sufficient number of assets and their
valuation is available. The authors estimate that in Nicaragua women own
from 36 to 41 percent of household physical wealth. In contrast, if the
analysis of household wealth were conducted by sex of the head, femaleheaded
households would own only between 20 and 23 percent of
household wealth, significantly less than the share of female-headed
households in that country. This different vision of relative female poverty
is largely due to the fact that women in male-headed households often own
property, either in their own right or as joint property with their spouses.
The authors conclude with recommendations on how individual-level data
on asset ownership might be improved in support of gender analysis.