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IPE beyond Western paradigms China, Africa, and Latin America in comparative perspective

Melisa Deciancio, Cintia Quiliconi
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Quiliconi, Cintia y Melisa Deciancio. 2020. "IPE beyond Western paradigms China, Africa, and Latin America in comparative perspective. En el manual de Routledge para la economía política global, editado por Ernesto Vivares, 457-471. Londres.
Political economy is about the sources of political power and its uses for economic ends. Aspower distribution varies around the globe, so does economic development and its approach toit. As Benjamin Cohen puts it, “the field of International Political Economy (IPE) teaches ushow to think about the connections between economics and politics beyond the confines of asingle state” (Cohen 2008: 1). However, not all the states look alike. When Cohen proposed aglobal conversation within the field of IPE he centered on American and British IPE, and inEnglish spoken authors and approaches he only explored the construction of IPE in the Anglo- Saxon world. In the same line, in the last decades several authors started to reflect about aca-demic fields like International Relations (IR) and IPE, in close connection with the growingdevelopment that the field has had around the globe.