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From Latin American International Political Economy to Latin American Global Political Economy

Raúl Salgado Espinoza y Ernesto Vivares
Publicado por:
sandra rochina
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Publicado y/o Presentado en:
Vivares, Ernesto y Raul Salgado Espinoza. 2021. From Latin American International Political Economy to Latin American Global Political Economy. Estudos Internacionais: revista de relações internacionais da PUC Minas, 9: 7-33.
This paper focuses on the differences between International Political Economy (IPE) versus Global Political Economy (GPE) in Latin America. It explores how IPE tends to be taught and researched beyond mainstream IPE but in dialogue with it. It engages with the main literature of this field to discuss the contours and extension of a transition in teaching and research. It rests upon a historical sociological approach and employs a qualitative analysis of syllabi and curricula of various masters and doctoral programs on International Relations/Studies and underlying disciplines, and is complemented with semi-structured interviews with leading scholars of IPE from across the region. The paper argues that there is a shift from mainstream IPE to a new Latin American GPE as the result of a revitalization of the field and as a response to the new regional and global challenges.