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“Tigers, Cholo-Jacobins, and Red Government Officials” Roles and Discourses of the Radical Middle Class in Ecuador between 1895 and 1938

Valeria Coronel (publicado en 2022-07-13 por sandra rochina )
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Coronel, Valeria. 2022. “Tigers, Cholo-Jacobins, and Red Government Officials” Roles and Discourses of the Radical Middle Class in Ecuador between 1895 and 1938. In The Middle Classes in Latin America. New York: Taylor & Francis.
This chapter analyzes the discourses and political interventions of the Radical Party’s middle-class activists who were instrumental in the revolutionary war of 1895 and in the subsequent institutionalization of the national state up until the mid-1920s. By researching the formation of the National Army and the Ministry of Public Education—two pillars of social integration and citizenship—we can observe how this sector of the middle-class responded to calls for integration from the popular classes.