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Analogic Alterity: The Dialogics of Life of Amazonian Kichwa Mythology in Comparison with Tupi Guaraní (Mbyá) Creation Stories

Michael Arthur Uzendoski Benson
Publicado por:
sandra rochina
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Publicado y/o Presentado en:
Uzendoski Benson, Michael Arthur. 2014. Analogic Alterity: The Dialogics of Life of Amazonian Kichwa Mythology in Comparison with Tupi Guaraní (Mbyá) Creation Stories. Tipití. Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Lowland South America, (12)1: 28-47.
In this article, I seek to introduce and explicate complexities of symbolic configurations (Kohn 2013; Taylor 1999, 2007; Whitten 2008, 2011; Uzendoski and Calapucha 2012) of relationships that define Amazonian Quechua-Quichua (or Amazonian Kichwa, AK herein). Since the time of Lévi-Strauss (1983, 1995) and the Handbook of South American Indians (Steward 1948), Amazonian Kichwa people have been associated with the Andes and the Inkas (Oberem 1980), pachacuti mythological orientation (Uzendoski 2005; Whitten 2003), and as subscribers to a linear, historical structure linked to Christianization and missionary activities (Hudleson 1981; Taylor 1999: 238; Bustamante and Wasserstrom 2013). While these relations may be present, other relations involved in AK cultural systems have been ignored or discounted, mainly due to the overshadowing of the poetic texts of Amazonian Kichwa peoples by colonial sources and historical accounts.