Mostrando 11,361 - 11,380 Resultados de 13,197 Para Buscar 'XEW~'
Mostrando 11,361 - 11,380 Resultados de 13,197 Para Buscar 'XEW~', tiempo de consulta: 0.71s Limitar resultados
  1. 11361

    Sleep and its interferent in learning por Nogaro, Arnaldo, Ecco, Idanir, Nogaro, Ivania

    Publicado 2018
    “…The intensification of studies on the subject is anchored in the discoveries of new technologies of study of the brain and the knowledge coming from different areas that are concerned with the lifestyle of the human being in the contemporary society. …”
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  2. 11362

    Incidencia de apectos historiográficos en la Organización de los saberes en la Universidad por Segundo, Rosa San, Codina Canet , Maria Adelina

    Publicado 2014
    “…It should question the order of knowledge and propose new models…”
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  3. 11363

    Ascensão e Queda do Brasil como Doador de Assistência Humanitária Internacional: Brazil’s Rise and Fall as a Donor of International Humanitarian Assistance por Tambourgi, Patricia Vilarinho

    Publicado 2018
    “…O Brasil completou, em 2015, uma década de atuação como doador de assistência humanitária internacional. …”
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  4. 11364

    Skepticism and truth: essay on the radical universality of a post-skeptical thought por Andrade, Abrahão Costa

    Publicado 2018
    “…Based on a study of the tropes of Aenesidemus discussed by Sextus Empiricus in hisPyrrhoniae Hypotyposes, we propose a reading which leads us to the need to postulate for contemporarythought a new universality that is radical and insurmountable. …”
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  5. 11365

    São Paulo em Super 8 por Cruz, Rafael

    Publicado 2016
    “…Consolidado como importante espacio de difusión artístico y cultural y precursor de la producción audiovisual en Super 8mm en la ciudad de São Paulo en las décadas de 70 y 80, el Grupo de Realizadores Independientes de Películas Experimentales, el GRIFE, surgió tras el encuentro de la historiadora Maria Luiza de Alencar con el cineasta Abrão Berman. …”
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  6. 11366

    Más allá de la ideología y de la teología: Protesta social, vida cotidiana y diferencias culturales en los Andes de Jujuy por Lozano B., Claudia

    Publicado 2000
    “…En este artículo se recusan ambas maneras de representar el significado de la protesta social por quienes se encuentran envueltos en ella.AbstractDuring the last decade a new social protest emerged in Argentina. …”
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  7. 11367

    Violencia en la pareja: la utilidad de una contextualización cultural por Luisa Castaldi; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

    Publicado 2008
    Materias: “…Violencia; relación de pareja; género; terapia; discriminación; educación sexista…”
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  8. 11368
  9. 11369

    Prospectiva socioeconómica para un México alternativo por Gallardo Velázquez, Anahí

    Publicado 2016
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  10. 11370
  11. 11371

    Entrepreneurs, Convertibility, and Crisis: Between Dollarization and Devaluation? por Salvia, Sebastián

    Publicado 2014
    “…We show that the empirical evidence in favor of this thesis is scarce and that business unity and conflict were better yet related to the strength or the weakness of an accumulation strategy.…”
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  12. 11372

    Feminism and the individual Reflections from Latin America por Araujo, Kathya

    Publicado 2009
    “…The main argument is that the non critical use of the notion of individual leads to its normative overdetermination contributing to the impoverishment of the reflections on Latin American societies, triggering the paradox that pursuing feminist utopian horizons of emancipation, new modes of domination might arise.…”
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  13. 11373

    Gangs in the Latino Atlántico: Identity, Transnationalism and Generations por Queirolo Palmas, Luca

    Publicado 2009
    “…This article is founded in the notion that the proliferation and growth of ‘street organizations’ around the world are connected to the construction of identities, the emergence of transnational lives and new forms of understanding generations. The first part of the article seeks to explain the  global  reproduction  of  these  groups,  which  start  as  local  organizations.  …”
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  14. 11374

    Continuity or Change? Political Economics of Post-Crisis Argentina and the Néstor Kirchner Administration, 2003-2007 por Wylde, Christopher

    Publicado 2012
    “…Focusing on the different areas of political-economic analysis, it will demonstrate that the government (2003-2007) launched a number of key policy changes that followed Carlos Menem’s neoliberal regime. …”
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  15. 11375

    The structural crisis of capitalism and its repercussions por Luiz Corsi, Francisco

    Publicado 2010
    “…The crisis calls into question the centrality of the North American economy, but that does not necessarily mean the shift of capitalism’s hegemonic center to Asia. Here we will argue that we are headed toward a multipolar world.…”
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  16. 11376

    Blogs, Artefacts and Politics por Albornoz, María Belén

    Publicado 2010
    “…Finally, the study of this new virtual public space from a techno-social focus is proposed, taking into account virtual surroundings as a space in which conducts are formed.…”
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  17. 11377
  18. 11378

    30-S: The vulnerability of the Citizens´Revolution leadership and Ecuador´s institutionality por Ortiz, Santiago

    Publicado 2011
    “…The events of September 30, described by the author as a coup attempt, have unfolded against a new backdrop: rather than a crisis, what is happening in Ecuador is a process of State “re-founding” and institutional reform. …”
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  19. 11379

    The emergency of ethnic citizenship: indigenous pueblos and democracy in Argentina por Engelby, Luke Scott

    Publicado 2021
    “…This article analyzes the evolution of Indigenous groups, from being historicallyunderserved and subordinate, toward a new type of Indigenous citizenship.…”
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  20. 11380