Mostrando 10,641 - 10,660 Resultados de 13,197 Para Buscar 'XEW~'
Mostrando 10,641 - 10,660 Resultados de 13,197 Para Buscar 'XEW~', tiempo de consulta: 0.70s Limitar resultados
  1. 10641

    Jornal Pessoal: a agenda alternativa de Lúcio Flávio Pinto por Veloso, Maria do Socorro Furtado

    Publicado 2010
    “…Created in 1987, in Belém (PA), it represents a model of counter-hegemonic press in Brazil in the post dictatorship period and proposes a new agenda refused by Para’s mainstream media. The Jornal Pessoal has the abse nce of advertising as one of its most important characteristics. …”
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  2. 10642

    Theoretical- methodological contributions for a complex study of the political representation of women por Bedin, Paula

    Publicado 2019
    “…Estas perspectivas prestan mayor atención principalmente a las dimensiones sustantivas y simbólicas al proponer un análisis enfocado en cómo se construyen discursivamente. Si bien este paradigma se presenta cómo opuesto al de la masa crítica, en el presente artículo, sostendremos que es necesario producir una articulación entre ellos para entender en toda su complejidad la representación política de las mujeres.…”
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  3. 10643

    El cáncer y la resiliencia en el arte por Serrano Durán, Juandiego

    Publicado 2020
    “…Una introspección espirituosa en el disco con el que Mastodon fue galardonado con ‘La mejor interpretación de metal’ en la 60ª entrega de los premios Grammy. …”
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  4. 10644

    A tough centrality. The political scenario in Tucuman during the Congress of 1816 por Tio Vallejo, Gabriela, Nanni, Facundo

    Publicado 2016
    “…This paper introduces a historiographical balance of the current state of the studies of this classic theme, bringing new dimensions underexplored.…”
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  5. 10645

    The statuary collection held at the baths of Zeuxippus (Ap 2) and the search for Constantine’s museological intentions por Martins de Jesus, Carlos A.

    Publicado 2014
    “…Constantine intended to portrait his very own Constantinople as the new (third) Troy, the most complete portrait of Greek and Roman paidea. …”
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  6. 10646


    Publicado 2012
    “…El interés se sitúa en la identificación de la emergencia, en los últimos años de la década que nos precede, de una serie de políticas que intentan modificar los dispositivos institucionalizados con el fin de promover transformaciones de los procesos de formación de los jóvenes al interior de los espacios educativos, que estarían atendiendo tanto a definiciones político-filosóficas sobre el papel de la educación en la sociedad, como así también a las nuevas configuraciones subjetivas juveniles y a sus prácticas culturales contemporáneas.Abstract The present paper presents reflections and progress of an investigation recently launched, which aims to analyze the construction of meaning and perspectives on young people that produce and sustain existing programs of public education policy aimed at them, as well as the ways that seek to reconfigure training practices, young-adult links and relationships with knowledge in a new socio-historical context. …”
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  7. 10647
  8. 10648

    Development and technical progress in the pork production chain in Spain por Espindola, Carlos José

    Publicado 2014
    “…Assim, ao longo das suas quatro grandes fases evolutivas – (l) século XIX-1930; (2) 1930-1975; (3) 1975-1990 e (4) pós-1990 –, foram sendo introduzidas inovações tecnológicas visando ao melhoramento qualitativo e quantitativo da matéria-prima, a adoção de biotécnicas reprodutivas, a difusão de novos processos produtivos e o lançamento de novos produtos. …”
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  9. 10649


    Publicado 2012
    “…Since the 1970 and 1980, a group of great companies (mostly foreign) that operate in the grain sector (soy and corn) is installed in Triangulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaíba region, and creates, with support of state policies, the conditions of modernization and territorial specialization productive, transforming the Triangulo Mineiro/Alto Paranaíba into main region of modern agribusiness, in Minas Gerais estate (Brazil). Nowadays, new external demands produce the recent expansion of sugarcane cultivation, with the insertion of new agents and substantial reconfiguration of territorial uses, indicating, again, a process of concentration of resources and a situation of territorial instability.…”
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  10. 10650

    UNA APROXIMACIÓN A LA BILDUNG DESDE UNA PERSPECTIVA HERMENÉUTICA por Morena, Soledad Rodríguez; Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República

    Publicado 2016
    “…Resumen En el presente artículo se busca analizar, explorar y hacer dialogar a autores como Hegel, Schiller, Nietzsche, Gadamer, Derrida, entre otros, a los efectos de repensar la formación, es decir, la educación en la actualidad. …”
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  11. 10651

    Recent foreign investment in Peru and competitive development por Vera-Vassallo, Alejandro

    Publicado 1996
    “…The article analyses recent foreign investment in Peru under the new development strategy. It examines the changes that have come about in the composition of flows, the new features they present, the explanatory factors and the significance of all of these from the standpoint of the aimed competitive development.   …”
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  12. 10652

    Olympic and post-olympic slum: demographic and real estate market dynamics at the Vidigal slum por Bonamichi, Nayana Corrêa

    Publicado 2021
    “…In this article, we analyze the new demographic and real estate dynamics established in the Vidigal slum, Rio de Janeiro, within what we call here the olympic (2007-2016) and post-olympic periods (2016-2018). …”
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  13. 10653

    Of dreams and visions: from the postmodern to the contemporary Brazilian short story por Guimarães, Mayara Ribeiro

    Publicado 2013
    “…An evaluation of the New Realism in literature in the work of three Brazilian writers that have produced short stories since the second half of the twentieth century, as it concerns the main characteristics of the postmodern narrative. …”
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  14. 10654

    Ulrich Beck and the sociological paradigm of risk por Jacondino, Eduardo Nunes, Eslabão, Daniel da Rosa

    Publicado 2015
    “…We wish, finally, to contribute to theunderstanding of the paradigmatic society risk proposition, which converges tofruitful discussions vis-à-vis the horizons of reflexivity and contemporary sciencesocietydialogue, so indispensable in the face of the new historical moment lived inthe present.…”
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  15. 10655

    References on the english language in reports of students and egresses in the graduate course in spanish por Yokota, Rosa

    Publicado 2016
    “…Recognizing this foundational relationship, whether positive or negative, is necessary to establish the relationship with the new foreign language being studied or, in the case of university teachers of foreign languages, mediate student’s relationship with the new language.…”
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  16. 10656
  17. 10657

    The International Insertion of South America: the Unasur Gamble por Chaves García, Carlos

    Publicado 2010
    “…The creation and launch of the Union of South American Nations (Unasur) is the most recent institutional expression of this new attempt at the integration of South American countries, which seeks to articulate the distinct regional agendas proposed by the region’s governments in recent years. …”
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  18. 10658

    Social representations of ecuadorian migration in fictional cinema between 2001 and 2011 por Torres Grijalva, Luis

    Publicado 2021
    “…Along with this social phenomenon, Ecuadorian cinematography was experiencing a true revolution, thanks to the development of new technologies, among other factors. This new Ecuadorian cinema of the twenty-first century could not remain oblivious to a phenomenon as shocking as migration and included it naturally in its narratives as if it were social testimony. …”
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  19. 10659

    Between life incidents and grammar (of an American Mateo Alemán) por Santonja Gómez-Agero, Gonzalo

    Publicado 2014
    “…He conjectures a new way of narrating. In 1604 he published the first edition of the Life of San Antonio de Padua in Seville, the authentic second part of Guzmán de Alfarache. …”
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  20. 10660

    El gobierno local de la seguridad pública en Francia: fragmentaciones y nuevas orientaciones por Maillard, Jacques de

    Publicado 2009
    “…Esta mutación debe ser relacionada con la creciente importancia de las autoridades locales en la elaboración e implementación de políticas referidas a la inseguridad, pero también al rol que han comenzado a jugar otras agencias diversas. …”
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