Mostrando 1,961 - 1,980 Resultados de 2,172 Para Buscar 'Snipe~'
Mostrando 1,961 - 1,980 Resultados de 2,172 Para Buscar 'Snipe~', tiempo de consulta: 1.12s Limitar resultados
  1. 1961
  2. 1962
  3. 1963
  4. 1964
  5. 1965
  6. 1966
  7. 1967
  8. 1968

    Recepção e agricultura : uma análise sobre o consumo de informações rurais por produtores familiares do Médio Alto Uruguai, no Sul brasileiro por Sant’Anna, Isadora, Oliveira, Érica, Foletto, Rafael

    Publicado 2018
    “…A análise é fruto do projeto de pesquisa – Recepção e agricultura: análise quantitativa e qualitativa do acesso a informações e consumo midiático por produtores rurais no Médio Alto Uruguai, da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria – Campus Frederico Westphalen, financiado pelo Fundo Interno de Apoio a Pesquisa (FIPE JR.), da UFSM.…”
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    documento de conferencia
  9. 1969

    La mano invisible. Liderazgo, economía política y relaciones sociales en el mundo indígena del sudeste pampeano (1770-1830) por Alemano, María Eugenia

    Publicado 2021
    “…As various works have shown in recent years, the redistribution of merchandise from the other side of the border was a fundamental political capital for the construction of leadership in the indigenous Arauco-Pampean society. …”
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  10. 1970


    Publicado 2018
    “…Thesecommunities have great diversity and are made up of differentchurches ; their members belong to different ethnias but they all sharethe impact of being victims of a genocide process on the side of radicalIslamic groups which intend to homogenize Iraq in the Islam withoutany room left for the Christians.This article resorts to a theoretical tool called «periodization of agenocide process» and it is very useful at the time of identifying,describing and analyzing the steps which are part of a genocide process.The presence of Christians in Iraq has remarkably decreased due tothreats, kidnappings and murders and the situation has worsenedbecause of the tendency of aggressors to consider Christians as alliesof the invaders and collaborators of Saadam´s regime ; under thesecircumstances they are, of course, the most common sterotypes andconsequently responsible for the evil that affects Iraq.…”
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  11. 1971

    Razões para Morar em Centros Históricos: O Caso de Belém (PA, Brasil) por Lobo, Marco Aurelio Arbage, Tourinho, Helena Lúcia Zagury, Morhy, Sâmia Saady

    Publicado 2016
    “…The proximity to workplaces and daily shopping were the two most cited reasons to live on the site. Furthermore, most of the respondents showed high levels of satisfaction about living in the HCB.…”
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  12. 1972


    Publicado 2016
    “…We considered the ones published in several poetry sites and official poets’ webpages (as Erratic, Zunái, Cronopios, etc., and the Arnaldo Antunes’s and Augusto de Campos’s websites, among others), to understand how the cyber-reader profile is built. …”
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  13. 1973

    Teacher training for school inclusion in the modality of youth and adults education: analysis of research por Silva, Maria do Carmo Lobato da, Campos, Juliane Aparecida de Paula Perez

    Publicado 2018
    “…The descriptors were teacher training, school inclusion, inclusive education, special education, disability, youth and adult education. Nine productions were selected for content analysis. …”
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  14. 1974

    DEAF STUDENTES PROGRAM FOR HIGHER EDUCATION ENTRANCE EXAMINATION por Martins, Sandra Eli Sartoreto de Oliveira, Souza, Marcília Correa de, Sanches, Miriãn Caroline

    Publicado 2019
    “…Based on this premise, this article describes the results of a college entrance examination orientation program for the entry of deaf students into higher education. Twenty-nine deaf participants who completed high school and / or who are attending the EJA - Youth and Adult Education - that resided in the city of Marília / SP, from 2015-2018, participated in the program. …”
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  15. 1975

    The construction of the teenager profile on Net-flix Tv Shows 13 Reasons Why and Atypical por Raya Bravo, Irene, Sánchez-Labella, Inmaculada, Durán, Valeriano

    Publicado 2018
    “…From these considerations, this work intends to make an approach to the teen charac-ters’ treatment in Netflix television shows which are targeted a teen audience, and be-sides explore social, actual and complex problems.…”
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  16. 1976

    From natural threat to disaster: A historical construction of the earthquake and tsunami of 1960 in Saavedra por Inostroza-Matus, Cristian Ceferino, Molina-Camacho, Francisco, Romero-Toledo, Hugo

    Publicado 2020
    “…Through the revision of texts of explorers, military reports, maps, autobiographies, scientific research projects, site visits, and the support of system of geographic information, this article seeks to reconstruct the process of the conformation of territory in Saavedra, highlighting the direct relationship that exists between the invasion of the Mapuche territory Lafkenche by the Chilean State and the worst disaster in its history more than a decade later.…”
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  17. 1977

    Sustainability of the agricultural sector from the perspective of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). por Rojas Gómez, July Carolina, Niño Galeano, Claudia Lucia, Solano Bejarano, Sergio David

    Publicado 2020
    “…At the firm level, factors such as size, geographic location and type of company are considered; and finally, the MS characteristics of the companies in terms of the type of report, level of compliance, aspects of assurance, level of compliance, among others. …”
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  18. 1978
  19. 1979

    AUDIOVISUAL Y REGIÓN: otra historia en los estudios del arte latinoamericano por Campo, Javier, Silva, Ana

    Publicado 2019
    “…Region. Middle-sized city. Documentary film. Art. AUDIOVISUEL ET REGION: autre histoire des etudes d’art latino-americainCet article se fonde sur l’hypothèse que l’histoire du film documentaire argentin est plus régionale que métropolitaine, avec des points de production dispersés à travers le pays. …”
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  20. 1980


    Publicado 2010
    “…Para tanto, utilizamos como recurso metodológico a pesquisa bibliográfica, especificamente a consulta em fontes documentais diversas, em especial, web sites de empresas educacionais, bem como de órgãos da imprensa tradicional e da mídia eletrônica nacionais. …”
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    artículo científico