Mostrando 2,121 - 2,140 Resultados de 2,816 Para Buscar 'RENEX~'
Mostrando 2,121 - 2,140 Resultados de 2,816 Para Buscar 'RENEX~', tiempo de consulta: 1.21s Limitar resultados
  1. 2121

    Affirmative action: perception of the “Casa Grande” and the “Senzala” por Silvério, Valter Roberto

    Publicado 2007
    “…The late 70’s point towards the debut of several social movements in the scenario, both new and traditional, among which is the black movement that reintroduces the racial theme as a relevant social issue. Firstly, the black movement denounced the existence and persistence of discriminatory racist practices and subsequently began demanding concrete measures from gubernatorial instances in the sense of constraining these. …”
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  2. 2122

    We go to ...: webquests as a proposal for cultural mediation in german as a foreign language por Pereira, Rogéria Costa

    Publicado 2018
    “…In recent years, we have seen that ICTs have come to play a relevant role in the teaching of foreign languages, being used by teachers, e.g. for the acquisition and development of teaching material, and for students to learn more about the country, people and target language culture. …”
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  3. 2123

    Effect of digital technologies on the efficiency of the independent work of linguistics students in the context of distance learning por Sinyukov, Vasily Alekseevich, Kamarova, Nagbdu, Konkol, Marina M., Suslov, Alexey Viktorovich, Rebro, Olga Vladimirovna

    Publicado 2021
    “…The relevance of the problem of using digital technologies in the independent work of students is because, during the period of study at the university, the fundamentals of professionalism are laid, and the skills of independent professional activity are formed. …”
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  4. 2124

    1968-1978: the student movement as a new character? por Almada, Pablo Emanuel Romero

    Publicado 2021
    “…Firstly, we discuss Eder Sader's concept of 'new characters,' the relevance of analyzing the student's reorganization process in this theoretical matrix, given the persecution and silencing of their actions. …”
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  5. 2125

    Dialogue about BNCC, the curriculum and its interference For teacher training por Souza, Sawana Araújo Lopes de, Sousa, Maraiane Pinto de, Aragão, Wilson Honorato

    Publicado 2020
    “…The present work aims to analyze the references presented in the BNCC for the implementation of the new curricula with regard to teacher training. …”
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  6. 2126

    Divergences of assessments of the quality of educational services por Vladimirovich, Volkov Daniil, Aleksandrovna, Vishnyakova Viktoriya, Sergeevna, Ponyashova Anastasia, Mikhaylovna, Bronnikova Evgeniya, Ilinichna, Tarasova Mariya

    Publicado 2021
    “…But this approach has many pitfalls. So, the relevance of this topic is due to the constantly changing conditions of consumption of educational services. …”
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  7. 2127

    Pensamento pós-moderno e educação física: o marxismo como possibilidade por Both, Vilmar José, Souza, Maristela da Silva, Baccin, Ecléa Vanessa Canei

    Publicado 2010
    “…A partir do materialismo histórico e dialético, analisamos o que propõe o pensamento pós-moderno e concluímos que tal pensamento não apresenta avanços no que se refere às necessidades históricas colocadas à Educação Física. …”
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  8. 2128

    The 3x1 Program on ¨Community Development in Oaxaca por López-García, César Luis, Rocha Romero, David

    Publicado 2021
    “…In this regard, it is relevant to analyze how much? and in what? the resources contributed by migrants and the three orders of government have been spent.…”
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  9. 2129

    La crisis del 29 y las lecciones no aprendidas Un panorama socio-económico de la vida en Estados Unidos en la década de los veinte desde una perspectiva cíclica por Guevara Castañeda, Diego, Peña Ramírez, Fernando

    Publicado 2014
    “…Es en este punto donde aparecen las teorías sobre los ciclos económicos que intentan explicar el comportamiento histórico de la economía capitalista mediante tendencias cíclicas asociadas a periodos de expansión y boom (punto máximo de las fluctuaciones económicas) y periodos posteriores de contracción y recesión. Las distintas teorías toman distancia en cuanto al nivel de intervención del Estado en las economías y el papel de estos ante periodos recesivos.…”
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  10. 2130

    Constitutionalism of disaster in Ecuador: state conduct and sentences during the COVID-19 health emergency por Guerrero Salgado, Efrén Ernesto, Rodríguez Estévez, Felipe

    Publicado 2022
    “…With that aim, this research used the concept of “necroconstitutionalism”, which refers to a power that denies politics, subjects, and their rights. …”
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  11. 2131

    Indigenous Organizations and Rafael Correa’s Government por León, Jorge

    Publicado 2010
    “…However, since the end of the 1990s, the indigenous organization has lost its points of reference and its ability to negotiate with the state. …”
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  12. 2132

    A conceptual approach to the term environmental liabilities : a proposal for its implementation. por Carbal Herrera, Adolfo E., Rosales García, Carmen, Hernández Viloria, Alexandra, Martínez Gómez, Luis

    Publicado 2019
    “…Methodologically, we start from a systematic literature review using various criteria for the selection of relevant bibliographic material, which allows us to identify the main notions on the subject, subsequently, from an analysis and synthesis exercise, in parallel with the notion liability accountant, a new meaning is proposed.The results show a new conception, which facilitates the implementation of the word, and theoretically advances in the identification of responsibility and the economic valuation of these realities.…”
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  13. 2133

    Popular culture as a manifestation of everyday conservatism. Disperse observations about the regression of the ethical and esthetical normatives in contemporary Latin-America por Mansilla, Felipe

    Publicado 2016
    “…The article reflects on the principles of economic efficacy and performance as relevant factors thaterode ethical, moral and esthetical values of market society that, however, looks with nostalgia the lossof humanistic values. …”
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  14. 2134

    Re-victimization of children and adolescents after reporting sexual abuse por Dupret, Marie-Astrid, Unda, Nathalia

    Publicado 2013
    “…This new experiencing of abuse can be explained by a lack of childcare services by relevant institutions, lack of coordination, inoperability and, particularly, ignorance around a child’s psyche, that is, when the victim’s subjectivity is not taken into account to guide the pertinent actions and which ends up having very harmful consequences for the child. …”
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  15. 2135

    Desarrollo, caracterización y evaluación de anandamida nanoformulada : una promisoria estrategia terapéutica en el abordaje de la enfermedad cardiovascular por Manucha, Walter Ariel Fernando

    Publicado 2019
    “…De particular interés, el endocannabinoide anandamid (AEA) modula receptores CB1 lo cual libera óxido nítrico que inhibe la reabsorción de iones en la médula renal, promueve vasodilatación, caída del tono vascular y descenso de presión arterial. …”
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  16. 2136

    O desenvolvimento dos municípios da microrregião de São João del-Rei/MG: uma análise para o período 2005/2015 por Anastácio, Sinara da Silva, Vieira, Norberto Martins, Amaral, Thiago Periard do

    Publicado 2022
    “…Para isso, por meio do IFDM, foi estudada a evolução dos indicadores municipais de emprego, renda, saúde e educação e buscou-se identificar se a melhora ocorrida em determinado município se deu pela adoção de políticas públicas ou pela ascensão da microrregião como um todo. …”
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  17. 2137

    Incidents in Corporate Social Responsibility as a consequence of the supply of fertilizers of Russian origin in Latin American markets por Bolaños-Silva, Luis G.

    Publicado 2023
    “…This article examines corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues arising from the sourcing of Russian-origin fertilisers in Latin American markets, despite the sanctions imposed on this country by the international community. CSR refers to the business practice of considering for the social, environmental, and ethical impacts of a company's operations and taking responsibility for those impacts. …”
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  18. 2138

    The New Conventional Thought por Gómez-Castillo, Natalia

    Publicado 2019
    “…Porter, who without a doubt is one of the great referents of modern administration, conceives in his beginnings that the only purpose of organizations is the maximization of profts, as the only source of growth and development, which is known as conventional or classical thinking. …”
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  19. 2139

    Entrepreneurship, business dynamics and employment: a review from the Perspective of Economic Growth por De la Hoz-Villar, Rita, Prieto-Flórez, Javier

    Publicado 2020
    “…To this end, we begin by elucidating some theories linked to entrepreneurship and economic growth that have been put forward by the most important thinkers in each feld, and from there we compile the most relevant research in recent years that links these issues. …”
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  20. 2140

    La ética social de Simón Rodríguez por Rosales Sánchez, Juan José

    Publicado 2021
    “…Finally the work is closed with a fed up relevant point in the Rodriguez political and social philosophy, namely: the theoretical relationship between ethics and education, reflected on the political thing and called by Rodriguez ´the lights and the social virtues´.…”
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