Mostrando 2,061 - 2,080 Resultados de 2,816 Para Buscar 'RENEX~'
Mostrando 2,061 - 2,080 Resultados de 2,816 Para Buscar 'RENEX~', tiempo de consulta: 1.17s Limitar resultados
  1. 2061

    Economic efficiency of the mexican metropolitan regions between 1998 and 2008 por Trejo Nieto, Alejandra

    Publicado 2021
    “…Even though economic efficiency is a partial vision of the complex running of a metropolis, it is a subject of valid relevance.…”
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    Doc. de trabajo / Informes
  2. 2062

    Social representations of big data and artificial intelligence. A structural exploration. por Becerra, Gastón, Lopez Alurralde, Juan Pablo

    Publicado 2022
    “…The results indicate the predominance of senses linked to information (big data) and robots (AI), coexisting with positively valued notions, such as knowledge, and with references to negatively valued social problems, such as unemployment and social control.…”
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  3. 2063

    The use of serious games as an interactive tool to strengthen the meaningful learning of peace education por Bravo Sánchez, Flor Ángela, Ruiz Gómez, Linda Johana

    Publicado 2017
    “…Furthermore, a revision of serious games and some educational experiences with them are described. After that, its relevance with the subject is presented. Additionally, a lesson plan of a serious game is given to promote the respectful and pacific coexistence. …”
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  4. 2064

    A new dimension for the citizenship analysis: Political empowerment through peacebuilding process in Samaniego, Colombia por Tobar Manzo, Juan Manuel

    Publicado 2019
    “…Keeping into account the acquired political capabilities by the local players during the peace construction between 2009 and 2014, one can analyze the capacity and democratic legitimacy to make of the peace process construction a relevant factor to analyze citizenship. The study can be used as a research method, the semi-structured interviews, the observations in situ and the documental analysis as tools to gather information; a methodology able to understand the context of different expressions of civil resistance is developed, and how they contribute in citizenship transformation.…”
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  5. 2065

    State construction of the indigenous question in Chaco (Argentina): Indigenous Communities Law 1987 por Muñoz , Roberto

    Publicado 2020
    “…After the enactment of the Indigenous Communities Law, the province of Chaco in Argentina became one of the first in the country to establish relevant legislative modifications. These changes entailed the inclusion of the indigenous component in public policies, the application of criteria for defining the “indigenous question” and the creation of specific government entities for the administration of this population. …”
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  6. 2066

    Comments from the South por Cordero Velásquez, Tatiana

    Publicado 2011
    “…The author analyzes the issues of the political in the queer, its contributions and its limitations, and the relevance of the concept. Emphasizes the absence of a gender perspective in earlier gay and queer studies and the relation between LGBTI subjects and academy in the trajectory of the queer in our context. …”
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  7. 2067

    The masculinization of the subject: a reflection from the Critical Discourse Analysis por Ojeda Gutiérrez, Jonathan

    Publicado 2019
    “…This reflection article aims to present some considerations on the relevance of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) for the study of masculinities. …”
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  8. 2068

    Documenting at Catazho arcehological site using the photogrammetry technique. Case of study: rock N. 29 with petroglyphs por Vargas Díaz, Juan Pablo

    Publicado 2023
    “…Digital photogrammetry is an effective tool for documenting and conserving cultural heritage, and in this study, a photogrammetric survey of the rock was carried out, from image capture to the generation of three-dimensional models and final renderings.The use of this technique allows for a three-dimensional representation of the rock and petroglyphs, facilitating their study and analysis, and can be used for multiple purposes, such as heritage management and the dissemination of archaeological knowledge. …”
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  9. 2069

    Una experiencia radial escolar y comunitaria en Pilcaniyeu, Río Negro, Argentina por Navarro Nicoletti, Felipe, Aguirre, Jimena Isabel

    Publicado 2018
    “…This work presents a qualitative and analytical methodo-logy through the use of interviews made to relevant participant members of the aforementioned radio station. …”
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  10. 2070

    Variability in the indument of Phaseolus vulgaris var. aborigineus (Fabaceae) por Ojeda, Fabiana S., Amela García, María T., Hoc, Patricia S.

    Publicado 2013
    “…The indument of Phaseolus vulgaris L. var. aborigineus (Burkart) Baudet, a native bean from Argentina, potential source for improvement of cultivated varieties, was compared between different genetic lines. Seeds collected from wild, weedy forms and presumptive hybrid individuals in two distant latitudes were sown in two sites of Buenos Aires University Campus (field and greenhouse). …”
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  11. 2071

    Desigualdade e juventude: reflexões acerca de critérios adotados pelo plano nacional de assistência estudantil no Brasil por Oliveira, Mariana Lins de, Soares, Swamy de Paula Lima, Mello Neto, Ruy de Deus e

    Publicado 2021
    “…O público atendido pelo plano deve ser composto por discentes regularmente matriculados em cursos de graduação presencial, oriundos da rede pública da educação básica ou com renda familiar per capita de até um salário mínimo e meio. …”
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  12. 2072


    Publicado 2016
    “…Essa inserção vem ocorrendo especialmente com o desenvolvimento de atividades que geram complementariedade de renda. Nesta conjuntura, a consolidação de Tecnologias Sociais (TS) tem se tornado uma alternativa importante. …”
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  13. 2073

    Comparative analysis of the logistics and sustainability of the ports of Callao and Cartagena de Indias por Boyano-Fram, Teófilo O.

    Publicado 2021
    “…In times of crisis the supply cannot be stopped for food security and business sustainability, the covid and future pandemics will have an impact on the world, but trade relations continue and so does the supply, this article was done by collecting data and references that exist between the two ports in South America and are The Port of Callao in Peru and the Port of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia, we interviewed experts on the subject, reviewing specialized journals and reports that are issued by the entities in charge, was also taken into account: the sustainability of the Ports, its port movement and the port logistics, the intention is to observe its relation that is given between the growth of the Port and the city, in it is concluded that both ports contribute to the economy of the Continent and that they present asymmetries by their georeferentiation and vocation with their economic and social surroundings.…”
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  14. 2074

    Curriculum and production of a qualitative research habitus amongst Sociology graduate students por Meo, Analía Inés, Dabenigno, Valeria

    Publicado 2015
    “…It is argued that this course outline is an example of a "research-based teaching" that could contribute to the development of a dialogic, reflexive and situated approach to social research by undergraduate sociology students from Buenos Aires University…”
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  15. 2075

    Eating on food trucks: a study in light of practice theory: Comer em food trucks à luz da Teoria das Práticas por Perini, Krisciê Pertile, Guivant, Julia Silvia

    Publicado 2017
    “…The feelings and goals involved in the practice can be classified into: informality and fun, freedom from domestic activities and relaxation provided by outdoor space.…”
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  16. 2076

    Toward a humanist interpretation of the relation between place and mobility por Brum, Jean Lucas da Silva

    Publicado 2017
    “…We limit ourselves to building an theoretical debate, based on the main references in discussions of place in the humanist geography. …”
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  17. 2077

    Diseño curricular de proyectos formativos para el desarrollo de la educación por competencias: Curriculum Design of Training Projects for the Development of Education by Skills por Rodelo Molina, Milys Karina, Acevedo Correa, Diofanor, Montero Castillo, Piedad Margarita

    Publicado 2021
    “…Next, we use data analysis through documents, interviews and bibliographic research in order to collect relevant information. We identify that the curriculum excludes the full identification of situations and context characteristics. …”
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  18. 2078

    Expertise e participação da população em contexto de risco nuclear: democracia e licenciamento ambiental de Angra 3 por Gláucia Silva

    Publicado 2009
    “…The basic empirical references for the current analysis are the recurrent themes from public hearings organized for licensing of two Brazilian nuclear power plants using German technology, Angra 2 and Angra 3, with an emphasis on the latter, now undergoing prior environmental licensing. …”
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    artículo científico
  19. 2079

    Game theory and comparative politics: new perspectives, old interests por Gerardo Munck L.

    Publicado 2000
    “…Therefore, the challenge faced by scholars of comparative politics is to consider the new perspectives offered by game theory and to make use of its qualities, without losing sight of a series of relevant longstanding issues from the social sciences that this approach is not prepared to solve.…”
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    artículo científico
  20. 2080

    External debt conversion schemes: analysis criteria por Shiguiyama, David, Vásquez, José Miguel

    Publicado 1989
    “…Some analysis criteria are presented as a reference framework for the design and evaluation of such schemes.…”
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