Prácticas de cazadores y recolectores nómadas en el mundo urbano
Publicado 2010Materias: Enlace del recurso
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A SOCIOLOGIA DA ARTE COMO VOCAÇÃO: um relato de Vera Zolberg
Publicado 2019“…Da infância no South Bronx, aos estudos no Hunter College, à vida em Boston e no Texas, até o doutorado na Universidade de Chicago, o depoimento de Vera Zolberg evidencia o movimento de sua subjetividade entre oportunidades e adversidades, contingências e surpresas, viagens e deslocamentos em busca de sua autonomia intelectual, assim como nos revela peculiaridades da sociedade norte-americana que raramente aparecem nos discursos sobre o cenário do pós guerra naquele país. …”
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Determinación del color de aceites de oliva vírgenes (Mendoza-Argentina)
Publicado 2003“…Para su determinación se utilizaron dos métodos analíticos: la escala ABT modificada (Azul de Bromotimol) y el colorímetro HunterLab. Los resultados muestran que el cociente a/b constituye un parámetro adecuado para comparar y clasificar aceites de oliva vírgenes y brinda una mayor información en la comercialización de este producto. …”
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Catástrofe e invación discursiva en Phaedra de Séneca
Publicado 2006“…They begin to unfold due to Phaedra's breaching of the boundary between them, The queen discursively steps into Hippolytus' siinae, progressively tainting them with the attributes of her world until they eventually turn into a locus horridus throught which the young hunter will flee in horror as the wild beasts he used to stalk. …”
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No greens in the forest? Note on the limited consumption of greens in the Amazon
Publicado 2021“…Native Amazonian people, who supplement agriculture with game and fish, follow a hunter-gatherer pattern, preferring wild fruit and tubers to greens.…”
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Foreword - Museology: New Focuses / New Challenges
Publicado 2009“…Certain days, when I wake up in the morning, I have no doubt I am the hunter in the Little Riding Hood’s tale. Free of angst, I am sure of my role in this tale, I know what to do, how to do it, evaluating situations well and defining aims. …”
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Genotipificación por MIRU-VNTR de aislados de mycobacterium tuberculosis remitidos al Hospital Km 81 en el año 2008
Publicado 2018“…El Índice de Diversidad de Hunter Gaston (HGDI) determinó que los loci MIRU 10 y MIRU 40 presentaron el mayor poder discriminatorio. …”
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Following the Tracks of the First South Americans
Publicado 2011“…Both last scenarios show human presence; the third one shows faint evidences (one human trackway and two isolated footprints), and in the last one the hunter–gatherers are fully represented as a well-established population on the Pampean coast during the Early Holocene, registered at La Olla and Monte Hermoso I sites. …”
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Las puntas de proyectil en "mandorla" de Inca Cueva 7: Caracterización tipológica e historia de vida (Puna de Jujuy, Argentina)
Publicado 2011“…Then, the benefits to maximize the performance of foreshaft, are discussed on the basis of the characteristics of three specimens recovered from the Argentinian site studied.Palabras clave : projectile points; mandorla projectile points; typology; hunter-gatherers; Archaic; Puna of Jujuy; South Central Andes.…”
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O r igins of sedentary life in equalitarian pre-hispanic societies in northern South America
Publicado 2019“…In this article we will present archaeological evidence to illustrate such important historical phenomena as: early settlement, different levels of early sedentary lifestyle, and the beginnings of early food production implemented by egalitarian hunter-gatherer societies in North South America (Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador) and Lower Central America (Panama), between the Pleistocene Terminal (16,500 B.P.-11,000 B.P.) and the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition (11,000 B.P.-10,000 B.P.). …”
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Para leerte mejor : nuevas miradas sobre la figura del "Lobo feroz"
Publicado 2018Enlace del recurso
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Cambio de planes a través del tiempo para el traslado de roca en la pampa bonaerense
Publicado 2004“…Pero, mientras que en los momentos tempranos el equipo era transportable, en los momentos tardíos coexistieron dos modalidades de abastecimiento de roca: por un lado se equiparon de materia prima determinados puntos del paisaje y, por otro, se proveyó de roca a individuosPalabras clave : líticos; núcleos ; pampa argentina ; aprovisionamiento de materias primas.AbstractThe aim of the paper is to study rock distribution in order to understand changes in the hunter-gatherer societies through time. The study area is specially suited for the present purpose since resources are highly localized. …”
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Relatos e historias ambientales en forma de narrativa literaria como recurso para la capacitación de niños y jóvenes de la cuenca alta del río Quindío, para la defensa del medio am...
Publicado 2020Enlace del recurso
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