Mostrando 3,001 - 3,020 Resultados de 3,952 Para Buscar 'ópera~'
Mostrando 3,001 - 3,020 Resultados de 3,952 Para Buscar 'ópera~', tiempo de consulta: 1.64s Limitar resultados
  1. 3001

    The Relationship Between Efficiency and Organizational Performance: A Review From The Service Sector por Olivera-Pájaro, Juan C.

    Publicado 2022
    “…For which we offer to make a theoretical review that will allow us to build concepts based on operational efficiency with the application of non-parametric methodologies of DEA data envelopment analysis and SFA stochastic frontier analysis, which envision the positioning of organizations based on organizational performance. …”
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  2. 3002

    Incidents in Corporate Social Responsibility as a consequence of the supply of fertilizers of Russian origin in Latin American markets por Bolaños-Silva, Luis G.

    Publicado 2023
    “…CSR refers to the business practice of considering for the social, environmental, and ethical impacts of a company's operations and taking responsibility for those impacts. …”
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  3. 3003

    Business Resilience: empirical analysis of aguas de Cartagena S.A. E.S.P. por Mendoza-Betin, Javier A.

    Publicado 2021
    “…The investigation, on the one hand, answers the central question regarding the recovery capacity of the operations suspended as a result of the health emergency. …”
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  4. 3004

    Los pánicos morales en torno al mercado del sexo: Reflexiones en torno al discurso abolicionista de las organizaciones antitrata de la Provincia de Córdoba por Allione Riba, Guadalupe

    Publicado 2019
    “…We will reflect on how this is an operation that sustains itself on a specific conceptualization of prostitution: as exploitation, sexual violence and paid rape, linked directly and indisputably with sex trafficking. …”
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  5. 3005

    Justification, application, and consensus: notes on democracy and deliberation por José Eisenberg

    Publicado 2001
    “…Dans cet article, on cherche à reconstruire le problème de la légitimation d'ordres démocratiques depuis une typologie de consensus délibératifs, en reliant des positions initiales différentes des acteurs et des principes de justification et d'application de normes avec lesquelles ils opèrent. Prenant comme point de départ le modèle de l'éthique du discours de Habermas, on pose que la légitimité des ordres démocratiques dépend d'un "cercle vertueux de la démocratie", défini par une circulation de formes de consensus capables d'éviter les crises de légitimation propres à chaque type de consensus.…”
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    artículo científico
  6. 3006

    The limit between the ethics of conviction and the ethics of responsibility on the military police performance in urban centers por Corrêa, Rosália do Socorro Silva

    Publicado 2017
    “…Intense debate about how the police should behave during routine operations to combat crime in the cities where there is more intense occurrence of crime gains ground with the growth of violence and police corruption, widespread in the media. …”
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  7. 3007

    Teaching basic concepts of cryptography in professional high school por Marin, Regina Paiva Melo, Souza , Jackson Gomes Soares, Marin, Luciano Heitor Gallegos

    Publicado 2021
    “…The cryptography is present in several operations performed daily by people, such as online shopping or in dialogues using computer equipment and the Internet as a proxy. …”
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  8. 3008

    Cultura: la performación de mundos sociomateriales por Ignacio Farías

    Publicado 2014
    “…Firstly, it shall be argued that culture as an operation performs worlds, this is, familiar condensations of diverse situations, entities and functional logics. …”
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    artículo científico
  9. 3009

    New Migration Stream between Mexico and Canada por Douglas S. Massey, Amelia E. Brown

    Publicado 2011
    “…Labor migration to Canada also tends to operate as a circular flow with considerable repeat migration whereas undocumented migrants to the United States tend to stay longer, since crossing the Mexico-U.S. border has become increasingly difficult.…”
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    artículo científico
  10. 3010

    The Unequal State Intervention on the Territories in Latin America por Pradilla Cobos, Emilio, Márquez López, Lisett

    Publicado 2022
    “…Part of a broader work on uneven territorial development in Latin America, this article makes a historical review of the cumulative and dynamic impacts on the territory, the cities in particular, of the policies and actions of the different state forms existing in the formations. socio-economic aspects of the region, from the conquest by the Iberian powers, to the present day when the consolidation of the neoliberal pattern of capital accumulation, as the current architecture of historical capitalism, determines the structure, form, processes and conflicts of our large me­tropolises and regional cities, dominated by transnationalized real estate–financial capitals, in their articulation with subsidiary governments and facilitators of their operation. It is an effort of theoretical construction based on the interpretation of the specific historical processes that occurred in a region that has shared similar situations of domination and subordination to the different hegemonic powers for centuries.…”
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  11. 3011

    The information revolution, social issues and the expansion of assistance in Uruguay at the beginning of the 21st century por Mariatti Acosta, Alejandro Gabriel

    Publicado 2022
    “…Arguably the incorporation of technologies depoliticizes poverty because monitoring and supervision of allowances correspond to the agent overseeing the software operation and the collection of data.…”
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  12. 3012

    Military diplomacy and ‘new threats’: the United States of America in the Conference of American Armies, 2008-2015 por Frenkel, Alejandro, García Scrimizzi, Felipe Horacio

    Publicado 2024
    “…The CAA is a body that operates with a certain degree of autonomy from defence diplomacy, which creates difficulties in the political management of the armed forces in the region.…”
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  13. 3013

    From Exchange to Inter-knowledge: Ethnography and the Invisible Facts of Political Work por Quirós, Julieta

    Publicado 2018
    “…Based on an ethnographically situated study of recent electoral processes in Argentina, this study contributes to the understanding of politics and political activities of which the protagonists- politicians and political activists or operators- refer to as the territorio or local level. …”
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  14. 3014

    Organizations and Social Problems. A Systemic Approximation por Gonnet, Juan Pablo

    Publicado 2011
    “…That is, in their activities and operations, organizations put to the side the end (resolution of problems) for which they had been created under criteria of self-reproduction. …”
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  15. 3015

    Social and environmental responsability in small and medium enterprises (SMEs). por Ramos Aranda, Maria Susana, Duque Cuesta, Eduardo Augusto

    Publicado 2020
    “…However, they do not measure the impacts that their operation and commercialization generate, nor do they measure the impact of their social and environmental responsibility activities.…”
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  16. 3016

    Public and environmental management in the economic activities of colombo-venezuelan municipal markets por López-Juvinao, Danny Daniel, Moya-Camacho, Fabio Orlando

    Publicado 2013
    “…The participants in the study operate on an individual basis which does not foster a sense of cooperation and participation, or respect for the work of others. …”
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  17. 3017


    Publicado 2012
    “…Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que o aluno com deficiência visual está apenas inserido na sala de aula regular, e as políticas públicas pouco se atentam para a sua inclusão. …”
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    artículo científico
  18. 3018

    Ropajes -Sewing & Fashion Design Courses por Carlos J. Lebrón Cajigas

    Publicado 2014
    “…The growth of the sewing schoolwas also due tothe advertising, pricing, and other marketing activities implemented and that kept evolving over time from constant experimentation. Many strategic issues are presented, including relocation, larger facilities, accreditation, and the hiring of non-family employees.…”
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    artículo científico
  19. 3019

    Conflictos entre lenguas y derechos lingüísticos: perspectivas de análisis sociolingüístico por RAINER ENRIQUE HAMEL

    Publicado 1995
    “…Based on ongoing research in an indigenous area of Mexico, this article analyses how language conflict between Spanish and indigenous languages, and minority shift operate on the levels of cultural models, discourse, and language use. …”
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    artículo científico
  20. 3020

    Política universitaria y el desafío de la territorialización : lectura y aportes teóricos para el análisis desde una experiencia concreta por Tovar,Manuel

    Publicado 2019
    “…Estos interrogantes surgen desde las problemáticas comunes de los estudios de casos previamente realizados y que conducen a una gran pregunta: ¿Cuáles son las condiciones estructurales que deben preverse para la efectiva territorialización de la oferta académica? …”
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