Mostrando 2,881 - 2,900 Resultados de 3,952 Para Buscar 'ópera~'
Mostrando 2,881 - 2,900 Resultados de 3,952 Para Buscar 'ópera~', tiempo de consulta: 1.43s Limitar resultados
  1. 2881

    Sí­mbolos y representaciones en el relato de Santa Cruz Pachacuti por Battcock, Clementina

    Publicado 2014
    “…We focus on the symbolic elements operating in this famous struggle and explore some particular components, such as musical instruments and their function in the analysis and contextualization of the war.…”
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  2. 2882

    Cuando el sujeto de la enunciación es un "parrhesiastés" por Carabelli, Patricia

    Publicado 2009
    “…De esta forma el Yo no cederá ante el otro Yo por completo y aún quedará espacio para la crítica; para la parrhesía que, bien encaminada, entendida como ideal a perseguir en pro de la sociedad, siempre será productiva.             …”
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  3. 2883

    Political change, institutional friction and ascent of new ideas por Ramírez Gallegos, Franklin

    Publicado 2007
    “…The notion of political change catches the sense of the political process opened in Ecuador with the election of Rafael Correa. …”
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  4. 2884

    Los archivos documentales de la Operación Cóndor, memorias de la represión : (1975-1985) por Marzán, Gerardo

    Publicado 2019
    “…Se trabaja con ejes conceptuales fundamentales para la compresión del conocimiento de Cóndor, brazo armado de la represión trasnacional en el Cono Sur (McSherry, 2009).…”
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  5. 2885

    PROPOSTA PARA A CONSTRUÇÃO UM SISTEMA INFORMATIZADO PARA GESTÃO INTEGRAL DE RISCOS DE DESASTRES NATURAIS (SIGRID) NO CENÁRIO BRASILEIRO por Gregorio, Leandro Torres Di, Soares, Carlos Alberto Pereira, Saito, Silvia Midori, Soriano, Erico, Londe, Luciana de Resende, Coutinho, Marcos Pellegrini

    Publicado 2013
    “…The needs and the conceptual  inter-operational arrangement among systems were analyzed and the new system’s main characteristics and functions were defined. …”
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  6. 2886

    Consulting Engineering Firms: intermediaries in the management of the housing policy in São Paulo por Donadone, Julio, Pulhez, magaly

    Publicado 2021
    “…Acting as outsourced companies in the daily management together with the state agent for over 30 years, such companies supply services to the government in programs and projects, performing activities concerning the administration and control of the design, feasibility, implementation and operation of these projects, not committed to direct production processes but to those of design, management and regulation. …”
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  7. 2887

    Rurban Communities of Quito: Between the Entrepreneurialism and the Right to the City por Bayón Jiménez, Manuel

    Publicado 2016
    “…Two seemingly contradictory spatial trends are occurring today in the peri-urban areas of Quito, which reshapes the dispute of territorialities: i) an unprecedented expansion of the urban area along the rural boroughs and ii) a growing recognition of land rights of indigenous and peasant communities in the Constitution of Ecuador, as well as the right to the city. …”
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  8. 2888

    Una sencilla Microforja por Palleroni, Norberto J.

    Publicado 1962
    “…With this instrument, it is possible to give practically any desired shape to glass capillaries or rods to build the microinstruments for micromanipulations, with a precision comparable to the much more expensive commercial microforges. Some of the operations are described and illustrated.…”
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  9. 2889
  10. 2890
  11. 2891

    Modelado de sistema de gestión de distribución de energía eléctrica aplicado al análisis de generación no convencional : smart grid Mendoza por López, Lucas Gastón, Delgadillo, Angélica, Sanchez Varretti, Fabricio, Martínez, Mario

    Publicado 2017
    “…La implementación de los Sistemas de Gestión de Distribución o DMS (Distribution Management System) permiten el análisis de datos, evaluación, y aporte de soluciones para el correcto funcionamiento las Smart Grids o redes inteligentes. …”
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    documento de conferencia
  12. 2892

    Critical and Creative Thinking education in Higher Education Institutions por Vincent-Lacrin, Stéphan, Dominguez, Caroline

    Publicado 2019
    “…Stéphan Vincent-Lancrin, from the Center for Educational Research and Innovation of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD-CERI), talks with Caroline Dominguez, coordinator of the ‘Critical Thinking Across the European Higher Education Curricula – CRITHINKEDU’ European project, about Critical and Creative Thinking education in Higher Education Institutions.…”
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  13. 2893

    Las bolcheviques por Pablo, Óscar de

    Publicado 2021
    “…Cómo contar la historia de aquel partido excepcional que 1917 condujo a la clase obrera rusa a tomar el poder? ¿Cómo arrojar nueva luz sobre aquella revolución que sacudió el territorio del imperio más vasto del mundo, y al mundo mismo? …”
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  14. 2894

    The trend to flexible production and the precarious work in the contexto of financial capitalism por Carvalho, João Mauro Gomes Vieira

    Publicado 2016
    “…For that purpose, it is assumed that the work is the key element for the human socialization process and it should be comprehended in its historical specifity, and it has to be correlated to the social totality in wich it operates. In this sense, it tries to demonstrate, using theoretical studies references related to the transformations in work organization, the consequences of the current process of flexibilization of work production, by an objetctive point of view, showing the flexibilization impacts on material conditions of work and the subjecive constitution of the worker, demonstrating its impact on his political organization, his training process and the constitution of his laboral identity.element for the human socialization process and it should be comprehended in its historicalspecifity, and it has to be correlated to the social totality in wich it operates. …”
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  15. 2895
  16. 2896

    Methodological Proposal to Analyze Socioeconomic Residential Segregation Through a Synthetic Indicator (sssi) and its Application in Bogotá por Parias, Adriana

    Publicado 2021
    “…In this work, we propose to make operational the urban land rent theory. This presentation main purpose is to determine the level of socioeconomic segregation in Bogotá, based on the construction of an indicator that seeks to make operational the notion of segregation monopoly rent (Jaramillo, 2009), which offers an explanatory framework of this phenomenon. …”
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  17. 2897

    The situation of the third sector in Ecuador: Survival of NGOs in an adverse environment por Gortaire-Morejón, Bernardo, Matute, Andrés, Romero, Valeria, Tinajero, Juan Pablo

    Publicado 2022
    “…Of the 4,939 non-governmental organizations (NGOs) registered in 2020 in Ecuador, less than one third known to be in operation, one third have ceased to operate and the other third provide no information about their functioning. …”
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  18. 2898

    Diagnosis of the Internal Control System at the new and digna life Foundation of the city of Montería por Causil-Lengua, Carlos A., Bravo-Yepes, Alexander, Becerra-Ossa, Jhennys P.

    Publicado 2021
    “…The Internal Control System is an essential tool in this type of organizations because it helps minimize risks and make better decision-making, resulting in greater operationality and process flow.…”
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  19. 2899

    Assessment of Soil Erosive Fragility Using Cross Mapping with Support of the Geographic Information System in the Municipality of São Francisco de Assis/RS/Brazil por Oliveira, Mariana Xavier de, Trentin, Romario, Robaina, Luis Eduardo de Souza

    Publicado 2019
    “…The mapping of erosive fragility was carried out by the map algebra operation carried out in the GIS, using the Raster Calculator tool. …”
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  20. 2900

    Development of a solar photovoltaic backpack sprayer por Sasaki, Robson Shigueaki, Teixeira, Mauri Martins, Filho, Delly Oliveira, Cesconetti, Carlos Júnio, Silva, Anderson Candido, Leite, Daniel Mariano

    Publicado 2014
    “…Backpack solar photovoltaic sprayers have appeared in the market with the aim of improving spraying quality and reducing physical effort for the operator. Queries related to the duration and how to charge batteries are very common and in general they become a barrier for using this equipment in the field. …”
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