Mostrando 7,761 - 7,780 Resultados de 9,316 Para Buscar '"Presente"'
Mostrando 7,761 - 7,780 Resultados de 9,316 Para Buscar '"Presente"', tiempo de consulta: 0.04s Limitar resultados
  1. 7761

    Mapping community reality: An approach to voices of La Fortaleza community por García Vergara, Cristhian Adrian, Rincón Villamizar, Nydia María

    Publicado 2019
    “…This paper presents the findings of the social mapping constructed in the human settlement of La Fortaleza with an aim to recognise the area, its active resources and social limitations encountered by them. …”
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  2. 7762

    Becoming a Woman: The Overflow of the Modern Transcendental Project into Women’s Monstrous Experience por García Ortiz, Doris Lised

    Publicado 2020
    “…The article presents an ontological and political approach to the cate­gory of becoming a woman in modernity, debating between different academic perspectives of philosophy and history, with the aim of pro­viding elements of analysis that contribute to the understanding of wo­men in the field of social studies. …”
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  3. 7763

    Conversatorio realizado en el marco del Encuentro de Historia Urbana 2014 Asuntos de Historia Urbana de la Ciudad Latinoamericana por Gorelik, Adrián, Almandoz, Arturo, Castro, Constanza, Mejía, Germán, Lasso, Marixa

    Publicado 2015
    “…Durante el mes de noviembre del año 2014, la Facultad de Artes de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, organizó el I Encuentro Internacional sobre Historia Urbana, el cual se extendió por tres días y en el que académicos e investigadores pudieron intercambiar ideas y puntos de vista sobre problemas y oportunidades presentes en este campo del saber. La sesión final se configuró como un escenario abierto de debate y de intercambio directo de ideas, con el fin de complementar temas abordados a lo largo del encuentro o sugerir la discusión de tópicos hasta ahora no considerados.…”
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  4. 7764

    Indian Power and Black Power: Reception of the Black Thought in Fausto Reinaga por Cruz, Gustavo R.

    Publicado 2015
    “…We present the reception of the “black question” and of several black intellectuals, such as Frantz Fanon, Stokely Carmichael and Charles V. …”
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  5. 7765

    Rumores y fantasías sociales La tragedia de Alianza Lima, 1987 por Panfichi, Aldo, Vich, Víctor

    Publicado 2006
    “…Finally, we argue that the responses that this incident provoked among soccer fans offered them an opportunity to express the much deeper cultural and political differences present in contemporary Peru.…”
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  6. 7766

    Migration Studies and Academic Research on International Migration Policies in Argentina por Domenech, Eduardo, Pereira, Andrés

    Publicado 2017
    “…The organization and presentation of these selected texts consider issues related to the interests and thematic concerns, disciplinary and analytical approaches, distinct periods, scales of analysis and sources of information.…”
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  7. 7767

    Racial quotas, black identity and rights in Brazil por Aparecida, Gislene

    Publicado 2008
    “…Nevertheless, little has been done within this debate to consider the opinions of the students. This article presents information on those who are to benefit directly from the fruits of this policy and the way these young people understand and represent these quotas in action. …”
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  8. 7768

    Local Politics and a Self-assessment of Political Practice. Perspective of a Neighbourhood Leader in Mexico City on their Political Trajectory por Combes, Hélène

    Publicado 2018
    “…Drawing on the comprehensive sociology approach and the study of a specific career trajectory, it analyses how a neighbourhood leader works to construct beneficiaries for neighbourhood level social programs and broker resources that would not be leveraged without their work. The analysis presents an alternative vision to other analysts who have emphasized the capture of public funds for electoral purposes by neighbourhood leaders. …”
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  9. 7769

    Latin American Feminisms and their Complex Relationship with the State: Current Debates por Paradis, Clarisse, Matos, Marlise

    Publicado 2013
    “…This article deals with some of the theoretical discussions surrounding the tensions between feminist struggles and the state in the Latin American region, which presents a controversial political context that strives to overcome a neoliberal economic model. …”
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  10. 7770

    Beyond the Economic Crisis: CO2lonialism and Geographies of Hope por Hazlewood, Julianne

    Publicado 2010
    “…This paper takes us beyond the present economic crisis to where global warming warns of a much more profound problem: a structural flaw in capitalism. …”
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  11. 7771

    Organizations and Social Problems. A Systemic Approximation por Gonnet, Juan Pablo

    Publicado 2011
    “…Given the general nature of these results, we are interested in reflecting, theoretically, on the assumptions underlying of observing organizations (their conditions of possibility). To that end, we present three case studies of organizations dedicated to dealing with social problems. …”
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  12. 7772

    Introduction to dossier. Social Studies of Technology in Latin America por Thomas, Hernán

    Publicado 2010
    “…The second stage begins in the 1990s and continues to the present. It covers, in large part, work on the economics of technological change and studies on policies and the implementation of technology, and, to a lesser extent, the sociology and history of technology. …”
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  13. 7773

    O r igins of sedentary life in equalitarian pre-hispanic societies in northern South America por Rodríguez, Carlos Armando

    Publicado 2019
    “…In this article we will present archaeological evidence to illustrate such important historical phenomena as: early settlement, different levels of early sedentary lifestyle, and the beginnings of early food production implemented by egalitarian hunter-gatherer societies in North South America (Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador) and Lower Central America (Panama), between the Pleistocene Terminal (16,500 B.P.-11,000 B.P.) and the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition (11,000 B.P.-10,000 B.P.). …”
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  14. 7774

    Agroecología: diálogo de saberes para una antigua y nueva propuesta para el campo por Minga, Nancy

    Publicado 2017
    “…La finalidad de este trabajo es establecer claridades sobre las conceptualizaciones de la agroecología en un marco de diálogo de saberes, argumentado alrededor del concepto de soberanía alimentaria, la sustentabilidad ambiental y la búsqueda de una pedagogía que reconozca los saberes no científicos presentes en la agroecología. Se realiza una revisión bibliográfica sobre los distintos conceptos de la agroecología y sus limitaciones, a la par que se discute sobre la sustentabilidad y la soberanía alimentaria, para finalmente contrastarlos con los aprendizajes de la investigación-acción realizada con la Escuela Nacional de Agroecología de Ecuador.…”
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  15. 7775

    Young people in Popular High Schools: between individuation and political subjectivation por Said, Shirly

    Publicado 2018
    “…individuation processes, in which the scholar trial is crucial, without disattending the political subjectivation processes presented as possible. In methodological terms, it inquires how to approach young people ?…”
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  16. 7776

    Compuestos fenólicos, actividad antioxidante : bases farmacológicas y su aplicación en medicina general y oral por Rivarola de Gutiérrez, Emilce M., Di Fabio, Amanda

    Publicado 2009
    “…Los flavonoides, compuestos fenólicos, son los pigmentos responsables de la coloración de las flores, frutos y hojas, presentes en las uvas y en otros frutos como las moras, frambuesas, arándanos entre otros. …”
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  17. 7777

    Local efforts and people participation in the development of marginal regions : a summary of 10 years' research at the Fribourg Department of Geography por Leimgruber, Walter

    Publicado 1995
    “…The present paper offers an overview of research on development in Third World countries done by researchers of the Department of Geography of Fribourg University (Switzerland) over the past 10'years. …”
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  18. 7778

    AGÊNCIA EPISTÊMICA por Sosa, Ernest

    Publicado 2013
    “…EPISTEMIC AGENCY Ernest Sosa The paper explores a series of distinctions between mental states that might be cognitively relevant, as well as between those that might be “self-presenting”, so as to analyze the relations between these and the external world, and understand the types of beliefs and epistemic judgments for which they allow. …”
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  19. 7779


    Publicado 2019
    “…It is divided into three parts, the first where Marini’s thinking and his contributions to political economy are presented, the second where the main criticisms of his approach are presented, and the third one where we sustain his approach from some reformulations that are considered necessary to develop it.Key words: Superexplotation of labour; Subimperialism; Marxist political economy; Marini; MarxLA THÉORIE DE LA DÉPENDENCE À LA LUMIÈRE DU MARX ET DU CAPITALISME CONTEMPORAINEL’articleanalyse les principales contributions de l’économiepolitique de la dépendance aux débats suscités par le travail de Ruy Mauro Marini. …”
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  20. 7780