Mostrando 621 - 640 Resultados de 912 Para Buscar '"Perú"'
Mostrando 621 - 640 Resultados de 912 Para Buscar '"Perú"', tiempo de consulta: 0.03s Limitar resultados
  1. 621

    Cholified army. Some thoughts on the social democratization of the Peruvian military por Hurtado Meza, Lourdes

    Publicado 2006
    “…This has been the consequence of, among other aspects, the andeanization of urban areas in Peru, the inclusive discourse towards common sectors sponsored by the military government of General Juan Velasco (1968-1975), and the events which took place during the internal armed conflict (1980-2000).…”
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  2. 622

    Los movimientos políticos locales en el escenario electoral por Lacuisse, Marie-Esther

    Publicado 2007
    “…A diferencia de otros países, como Perú, donde los movimientos políticos locales y regionales hacen parte de la vida política desde los años 80 y tienen una fuerte representación desde los años 90, en Ecuador surgieron en la escena política en 2000, cuatro años después de la apertura del sistema electoral a los movimientos independientes. …”
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  3. 623

    As protagonistas femininas nos filmes da cineasta peruana Nora de Izcue por Tedesco, Marina Cavalcanti

    Publicado 2017
    “…Nora de Izcue, a primeira cineasta da história do Peru, dirige Encuentro, seu filme de estreia, em 1967, levando às telas uma mulher de classe-média que buscava dar sentido a sua vida. …”
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  4. 624

    Shall we kill again? Violence and intimacy among the Awajun “new leaders” in the northeastern Peruvian frontier por Romio, Silvia

    Publicado 2021
    “…From this point of departure the present article undertakes an ethno historic analysis which attempts to illuminate changes affecting the Alto Marañon (Peru) Awajun people, between the years 1950 and 1970. …”
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  5. 625

    Disputing the land. Mariátegui's indigenism between the critique of coloniality and the search for the common por Brighenti, Maura

    Publicado 2016
    “…Moving from what he calls the “Conquest original sin” his research about deep Perú translates in a radical critic of modernity: from capitalism in the peripheral countries to the state; from the burgees subjectivity to the national culture; from the idea of progress and a lineal time to the abstract and secular rationalism.  …”
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  6. 626

    Universidad y acción afirmativa: balance y agenda pendiente por Sanborn, Cynthia, Arrieta, Alonso

    Publicado 2011
    “…La expansión y diversificación de la educación superior es uno de los fenómenos sociales más importantes del Perú contemporáneo. Hoy, aproximadamente el 33% de los peruanos menores de 25 años de edad cursa estudios superiores, 60% de los cuales lo hace en una institución privada. …”
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  7. 627

    Unpublished Letters por Mariátegui, José Carlos

    Publicado 1980
    “…On the fiftieth anniversary of his death (April 16, 1930), José Carlos Mariátegui is undoubtedly one of the most significant politicians and intellectuals of modern Peru. We face today, however, a necessary work to review his work, an urgent review of its interpretations of the specific problems of the social reality of this country. …”
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  8. 628

    Household Time is a Scarce Resource: How does Time Allocation within the Household affect Children's Schooling Performance? por Beltrán, Arlette

    Publicado 2013
    “…The research uses the Time Use Survey applied in Peru in 2010 and cross-sectional econometric models. …”
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  9. 629

    Patrimonio, narrativas racializadas y políticas de la memoria. Abordaje a un manuscrito afrodescendiente en el Valle de Azapa / Heritage, racialized narratives and politics of memo... por Barrenechea Vergara, Paulina

    Publicado 2015
    “…Las manifestaciones literarias, cartas, décimas y poesías, registradas en el que hemos denominado “Documento Baluarte”, no sólo relevan las experiencias de miles de sujetos/as que fueron marcados/as por la violencia durante el periodo de la chilenización en la zona norte (sur para Perú); sino que, también, supone la necesidad de asumir y construir un locus teórico que incorpore aquellas subjetividades obliteradas por el relato nacional chileno. …”
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  10. 630
  11. 631

    Dinámicas territoriales rurales en América Latina. por Chiriboga Vega, Manuel

    Publicado 2010
    “…En el se analizan 4 de los 11 territorios del programa de investigación sobre dinámicas territoriales en América Latina, la isla de Chiloé en el sur de Chile, la provincia de Tungurahua en Ecuador, la región de Santo Tomás en Nicaragua y Cuatro Lagunas en Cuzco Perú. Considerando la bimoda-lidad del sector rural Latinoamericano donde se contraponen enclaves agroexportadores integrados a cadenas de valor globales con zonas campesinas empobrecidas incidiendo en políticas diferenciadas, el estudio busca encontrar la relación entre el acceso a activos productivos, el capital humano, el empoderamiento político, y el papel de los mercados y las instituciones, principalmente de las coaliciones sociales innovadoras en las regiones ganadoras.…”
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  12. 632

    Políticas articuladas : correspondencia San Martín – Pueyrredón : año del Bicentenario de la llegada de San Martín a Mendoza (1814-2014) por Ferraro, Liliana

    Publicado 2015
    “…Su análisis refleja una articulación de ideas y acciones que dan testimonio de las difíciles circunstancias políticas, económicas y militares en que se gesto la empresa emancipadora de Chile y Perú.…”
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  13. 633

    Los Cuchimilcos: a museum made by children and for children por Cuadrao, Cinthya, Florencia Puebla, Maria, Pedraza, Elizabeth, Escobar, Ruy

    Publicado 2020
    “…This was a work done with the directors, teachers and students of the Nuestra Señora del Buen Consejo School, located in the town of Breña (Lima, Peru). The purpose was to reopen a museum that existed in the place. …”
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  14. 634

    Ownership Conflicts of Recyclable Waste and Socio-Institutional Innovations in Lima por Rateau, Mélanie

    Publicado 2017
    “…For many years, the public policies of waste management developed repressive actions against the players in the informal recycling. In Peru, since the Law of Wastepicking of 2009, public policies are in favor of an inclusive recycling, through the integration of wastepickers. …”
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  15. 635

    Migration and Housing in Gran Buenos Aires Agglomeration: A Study on Housing Conditions Based on a Typology of Residential Areas por Mera, Gabriela

    Publicado 2020
    “…The work focuses on the Gran Buenos Aires Agglomeration, and the universe is limited to migrants born in Bolivia, Paraguay and Peru.…”
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  16. 636

    Comparative analysis of the logistics and sustainability of the ports of Callao and Cartagena de Indias por Boyano-Fram, Teófilo O.

    Publicado 2021
    “…In times of crisis the supply cannot be stopped for food security and business sustainability, the covid and future pandemics will have an impact on the world, but trade relations continue and so does the supply, this article was done by collecting data and references that exist between the two ports in South America and are The Port of Callao in Peru and the Port of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia, we interviewed experts on the subject, reviewing specialized journals and reports that are issued by the entities in charge, was also taken into account: the sustainability of the Ports, its port movement and the port logistics, the intention is to observe its relation that is given between the growth of the Port and the city, in it is concluded that both ports contribute to the economy of the Continent and that they present asymmetries by their georeferentiation and vocation with their economic and social surroundings.…”
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  17. 637

    Farms, cooperatives and plots on the Peruvian coast 1968-1986: the state of affairs por Portocarrero Maish, Javier

    Publicado 1987
    “…​In the last two decades the development, of agriculture in Peru has attracted an increasing interest within the social sciences. …”
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  18. 638

    La vía ecuatoriana por Correa, Rafael

    Publicado 2019
    “…Ante todo, los indígenas tienen menos peso que en Bolivia o Perú, y Alianza PAÍS, que engloba a treinta partidos y movimientos, probablemente sea una alianza gobernante más heteróclita que las existentes en otros lugares.…”
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  19. 639

    Local political movements on the electoral scenario por Lacuisse, Marie-Esther

    Publicado 2007
    “…Unlike other countries such as Peru, wherein local and regional political movements have been inserted into political life since the eighties, gaining a strong level of representation from the nineties onwards, in Ecuador they stepped onto political stage in 2000, four years after the electoral system had been opened up to political and independent movements. …”
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  20. 640