Mostrando 361 - 380 Resultados de 626 Para Buscar '"Oriente"'
Mostrando 361 - 380 Resultados de 626 Para Buscar '"Oriente"', tiempo de consulta: 0.03s Limitar resultados
  1. 361

    Urban Modernization and Social Exclusion in Cartagena de Indias, a View from the Local News por Valdelamar Villegas, Fabricio Fabián

    Publicado 2017
    “…The purposeof both plans, despite their particular dispositions, was oriented to the modernization of the urban environment. …”
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  2. 362

    From below: the work experience of youths in low-income homes por Estrada, Margarita, Sierra, Julieta, Salazar, Lourdes

    Publicado 2019
    “…In order to do this, work is defined in an ample way that integrates the activities oriented towards generating income, such as the conditions of the reproduction of the domestic group. …”
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  3. 363

    Aproximaciones a la onomástica indígena del Austro lojano por Gómez Rendón, Jorge

    Publicado 2016
    “…Los resultados preliminares de la segmentación morfológica de los patronímicos no-españoles demuestran dos vertientes etnolingüísticas, la kichwa y la no-kichwa, incluyendo en esta última formas que sugieren conexiones no sólo con las extintas lenguas Puruhá y Cañari, sino también con variedades de la familia Chicham habladas en el piedemonte oriental de los Andes.…”
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  4. 364

    Internet e a dinamização da esfera pública em Cuba por Padilla Herrera, Alexei

    Publicado 2017
    “…Conscientes de las limitaciones del modelo ideal normativo propuesto por Jünger Ha‑ bermas para el análisis de día a día en países que no se encajan dentro del modelo demo‑ crático liberal, partimos de un referencial que describe la estructura y funcionamien‑ to de las esferas públicas en los antiguos regímenes socialistas de Europa Oriental y la Unión Soviética. Posteriormente, realizaremos un recorrido por la evolución de la esfera pública en Cuba, desde el triunfo de la Revolución (1959) hasta la actualidad. …”
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  5. 365
  6. 366

    Analysis of an organization’s logistics processes using the Donald Bowersox model por Lora-Guzmán, Harold Steve, Garcés-Henao, Luis Guillermo

    Publicado 2020
    “…The main results show an organizational diagnosis in which 9 of the 13 dimensions proposed by Bowersox present considerable gaps and a possibility of improvement, and from there, conclusions and discussions are proposed in which future research work can be oriented.…”
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  7. 367

    The policy of silence of the Brazilian agrarian problem: A política de silêncio do problema agrário brasileiro por Lerrer, Débora, de Almeida Forigo, Adriano

    Publicado 2019
    “…The hypothesis of the article is that the silencing of the Brazilian agrarian problem and the consequent marginalization and political fragility of peasant-oriented public policies are products of the “divided memory” associated with the way in which the expansion of capitalism in the countryside is produced and reproduced. …”
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  8. 368


    Publicado 2006
    “…Finally, there are results in common with other international experiences of different orientation. The paper aims to interpret the paradoxes between objectives and results of public policies, organizing the empirical evidence through a methodological scheme applied to the integrated (public services and free offer services) and comparative (with international experiences) analysis of the case. …”
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  9. 369

    Elementary School Teachers trying out Mathematical Modeling por Gomes, Joice Caroline Sander Pierobon, Silva, Karina Alessandra Pessoa da, Dalto, Jader Otavio

    Publicado 2020
    “…Anyway, what we can conjecture is that the activity of mathematical modeling presented a dynamic character, as well as made possible a resignification of the mathematization phase that presented itself in a transversal way in all the orientation made by the teachers.…”
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  10. 370

    The ethics of public work and the impertinence of managerialism as a model of work organization in times of crisis por Vicente Sisto; Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Lorena Ramírez-Casas del Valle; Universidad de las Américas, Chile, Lorena Núñez-Parra; PCentro de Investigación para la Educación Inclusiva. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Andrea López-Barraza; Centro de Investigación para la Educación Inclusiva. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

    Publicado 2021
    “…The results show that participants revealed a sense and organization of work aligned to what researchers have called the ethics of public work, denouncing the inappropriateness of the prescriptions of the NPM instruments. The actors reveal orientation to others and collaborative work under collectively constructed norms, as fundamental supports of a pertinent public action.    …”
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  11. 371

    Mothers, fathers, and guardians in education during the pandemic. The rural-urban dichotomy in Ecuador por Cárdenas-Tapia, Juan, Pesántez-Avilés, Fernando, Torres-Toukoumidis, Angel

    Publicado 2022
    “…Thus, the differentiation is summarized in the following expression: in rural areas, mothers, fathers, and guardians focus on discipline, while in urban areas they are oriented towards the academic and emotional spectrum.…”
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  12. 372

    Agro-ecological and artisanal production markets: Sustainability and gentrification in Mexico City por Pasquier-Merino, Ayari G., Buratti, Simone

    Publicado 2024
    “…Agroecological and artisanal produce markets have multiplied as part of a broader process that promotes food citizenship oriented towards justice and sustainability. However, this phenomenon is immersed in the complexity of food systems and entails great heterogeneity. …”
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  13. 373

    Ideologías geográficas y producción de la naturaleza: elementos para pensar la resignación de los bosques frente a la crisis del capital por De Matheus, Andrei, Cornetta, Luis Fernando

    Publicado 2018
    “…Este artículo tiene como objetivo recoger elementos teóricos que permitan discutir las formas por las cuales la “naturaleza conservada” es reproducida en el capitalismo contemporáneo, usando como referencia la Amazonía oriental brasileña y las zonas boscosas del sur de Chile. …”
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  14. 374

    Formación de microrelieves y procesos de remoción en masa en la subcuenca del río Las Juntas Ambato, Catamarca por Páez, María Solange

    Publicado 2009
    “…La propuesta de esta investigación es caracterizar dos formas muy preocupantes de deterioro de los suelos, en la subcuenca del río Las Juntas, en el faldeo oriental de la sierra Ambato – Manchao, en la provincia de Catamarca. …”
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  16. 376

    Design of an Ecological Route as a Pedagogical Strategy to Promote the Knowledge of the Mangrove Ecosystem in the Naval School of Cadets “Almirante Padilla” por Mendoza-Pérez, Cristhian, Vitola-Quintero, Marena, Rojas-Sáenz, Valeria, Valencia-Rosas, Danna

    Publicado 2020
    “…The present work is the result of an information gathering in the feld oriented to identify the ecological characteristics of the mangrove ecosystem present near the Navy School “Almirante Padilla”, such as mangrove species present in the study area and its associated fauna. …”
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  17. 377

    Collaborative ethnographic methods: dismantling the ‘anthropological broom closet’? por Kennemore, Amy, Postero, Nancy

    Publicado 2020
    “…Scholars and activists are increasingly carrying out collaborative research to respond to the asymmetrical privileges built into Western science by partnering with local communities and explicitly orienting their research towards their political aims. …”
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  18. 378

    Lands and "Sertões" in Brazilian thought: a political sociology in the periphery por Maia, João Marcelo Ehlert

    Publicado 2008
    “…By choosing two representative figures of our republican imagination, both oriented by unique theoretical perspectives, my goal is to show how space emerges in these texts not as a landscape or a simple representation of local rural areas, but as traces of a spatial living of brazilian people which can be observed in different places of our social worlds. …”
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  19. 379

    Democracy and feminism in Brazil por Scavone, Lucila

    Publicado 2020
    “…It refers to the exchange of feminist experiences, including those with exiled Brazilians, which resulted in contacts with other emerging social movements: women from the poor neighborhoods, black and homosexual female. This orientation of the feminist movement defined its actions in two major areas, regarding the formulation of social policies and the expansion of the debate about democratization: reproductive health and violence against women. …”
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  20. 380

    Developing intercultural competence: a model based on introducing a literary analysis in a foreign language classroom por Ibragimova, Anfisa N., Kadyrova, Alina A.

    Publicado 2021
    “…Modelling was applied as the leading method of the research as it regards the process of IC (intercultural competence) development as a task-oriented and organized pedagogical process. The submitted didactic model should develop the IC through knowledge, skills, a system of values, reflection and positive attitude to the culture under study, so it includes components such as objectives, motivation, organization, content, and evaluation; it determines the pedagogical conditions, organization, teaching methods and tools that together provide the targeted result. …”
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