Mostrando 341 - 360 Resultados de 626 Para Buscar '"Oriente"'
Mostrando 341 - 360 Resultados de 626 Para Buscar '"Oriente"', tiempo de consulta: 0.03s Limitar resultados
  1. 341

    Denial of secularism, authoritarian thinking and decharacterization of public school in Brazil por Pacheco, Luiz André, Derisso, José Luis

    Publicado 2018
    “…In this article we identified four of them, namely:  the Religious Education, that was established in 1931, a clear denial of the secular character of the school and the State; the combating gender approach on the grounds of protection of the family; the Program Escola Sem Partido by means of projects from the Senate even the municipalities aims to deploy the censorship to reflections and critical approaches about society into the schools; and the High School Reform which deepens the technical and pragmatic orientation of school education while reducing the workload of some subjects and excludes others. …”
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  2. 342

    Modernization of Higher Education teachers’ professional formation as a strategy of forming their professionalism por Gurianov, Igor Olegovich, Konopleva, Natalia Vyacheslavovna, Gluzman, Nelya Anatolyevna, Gorbunova, Nataliia Vladimirovna

    Publicado 2021
    “…These processes are focused on a scientifically and practically oriented improvement of the educational process. As well as professional and pedagogical interaction of its participants in the educational and professional environment. …”
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  3. 343

    Female image in glossy magazines for men in Russia and Abroad: education and class por Beloedova, Anna V., Novinkina, Ekaterina A., Richter, Margarita S.

    Publicado 2021
    “…At the same time, magazines of the same brand in different countries are similar in audience orientation, purpose, main headings, frequency, only the circulation volume differs significantly. …”
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  4. 344

    The information and communication technologies in the laboratories of educational practice por Fávero, Altair Alberto, Possel, Bianca

    Publicado 2018
    “…Chapter 3 - ICTs as a contribution to a research-oriented educational practice; Chapter 4 - Learning to use ICT as tools for the practice of research in education; Chapter 5 - Reflections on teacher training in cyberculture; Chapter 6 - Digital technologies and the lesson: trends in educational practices in cyberculture; Chapter 7 - Interactive practices in higher education: between partnership pedagogy and hybrid teaching; And the final considerations - Between the labyrinths of education and technologies: possible paths and necessary reflections.…”
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  5. 345

    Methodological contribution of the metric studies of information for the analysis of interdisciplinarity in environmental sciences por Cavalcanti, Daniele Belmont de Farias, Leite, Breno Ricardo de Araújo, Farias, Gabriela Belmont de

    Publicado 2019
    “…These aspects brought to the area intrinsic interdisciplinary characteristics, which were portrayed in specific orientations to observe interdisciplinarity in graduate programs, but without the specification of how we could check these factors. …”
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  6. 346

    Karel Kosik e o marxismo no Leste Europeu: notas introdutórias por Neto, Pedro Leão da Costa

    Publicado 2022
    “…Nos anos 1960, a obra de Karel Kosik Dialética do Concreto representou uma importante tentativa de superar os estreitos limites da síntese filosófica dominante nos países da Europa Oriental. Hoje, após quarenta anos da experiência da “Primavera de Praga” e vinte anos após a auto-dissolução do socialismo real tanto esta obra, assim como seus escritos tardios são injustamente esquecidos. …”
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  7. 347

    "Bolivia will profit being boosted the only port it has". Cobija and the Litoral between local power and the government of José Ballivián (1841-47) por Colàs, Pol

    Publicado 2021
    “…The executive presented a shy project for the Litoral, with differential tariffs, the fight against smuggling and investment in the cargo transport with animal force, but with the real objective of taking Arica or turning the commercial circuits towards the river connection with the Atlantic in the Orientes. None of them was fully applied, so in the 1840s the Bolivian Litoral remained a marginal space within the incipient Republic, estranging the leading groups in the area in respect to the national project of the State.…”
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  8. 348

    School convivencia: Reviewing the concept por Cecilia Fierro-Evans; Académica e Investigadora de la Universidad Iberoamericana León, Patricia Carbajal-Padilla; Investigadora

    Publicado 2019
    “…The authors conduct a basic literature review oriented to identify the main theoretical approaches in the convivencia field. …”
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  9. 349

    La vida campesina en China : una investigación de campo sobre la vida rural en el valle del Yangtsé por Fei, Xiaotong, Malinowski, Bronislaw, Melville, Roberto

    Publicado 2021
    “…El presente es un estudio descriptivo del sistema de consumo, producción, distribución e intercambio de riqueza entre cam­pesinos chinos según fue observado en la aldea de Kaihsienkung, al sur del lago Tai, en China oriental. Su objeti­vo es mostrar la relación de este sistema económico con un d ­ eterminado contexto geográfico­ y con la estructura social de la comunidad. …”
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  10. 350

    Public services in Ecuador: theoretical tensions between statism, liberalism and constitutional supremacy por Albuja Varela , Francisco Javier

    Publicado 2021
    “…These models can differ in nature: state-oriented (centralized planning) or favourable to economic liberalization and privatization. …”
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  11. 351

    Assistance policy and income transfer programs: institutional and technological reforms in Latin America por Vecinday Garrido, María Laura, Carballo Perdomo, Yoana Paola

    Publicado 2022
    “…  They also show that the managerial orientation announced in 1998 by the Latin American Council of Administration for Development prevails over the ideological spectrum of governments in office.…”
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  12. 352

    Corporatism and political representation in Ecuador: the National Council on Work and Salaries por Stoessel, Soledad

    Publicado 2020
    “…Some conclusions refer to the high state autonomy to define the rules of political representation of trade unions and business chambers, the reinforcement of the capital power l to the detriment of workers, and the inclusive and democratic orientation of the Council to have opened participation to historically excluded workers.…”
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  14. 354

    El viaje de la heroína en el cine de animación : estudio de caso: Raya y el último dragón (2021) por Otero Escudero, Sofía

    Publicado 2022
    “…Con dicho análisis se concluye la construcción de una mujer y princesa de cultura oriental a través de una estructura que se aleja de la visión y representación colonialista y patriarcal de la mujer en la tradición fílmica del cine de animación y particularmente de Disney.…”
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  15. 355

    Modelos de desarrollo asiático: lecciones para América Latina por Sevares, Julio

    Publicado 2016
    “…Sin embargo, debemosdestacar como claro contraste frente a la experiencia latinoamericana la mencionada existencia alh de importantes ventajas comparativas naturales frente a la escasa dotaciónde recursos en el Asia Oriental de posguerra, elemento que ha sido destacado, en una importante línea de pensamiento desarrollista, para ilustrar una trayectoria de desempeñoeconómico que implicó la puesta en juego de energías, iniciativas y esfuerzos de extraordinaria magnitud y creatividad en la región, conformando una experiencia disímil frente a las trayectorias latinoamericanas…”
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  16. 356

    Social control in transmission of Latin literature por Moniz, Fábio Frohwein de Salles

    Publicado 2015
    “…This article intends to point out aspects of the bibliographic censorship in the transmission of Latin literature, minimally understood as a set of mechanic and intellectual proceedings at the edition of books aiming at reading orientation and social control. As corpus from our deliberations, we have selected the satire ix, for it is one of Juvenal’s most censored poems within the literary tradition. …”
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  17. 357

    Scientific / Educational communication and leadership ARWU versus MosIUR por Minzaripov, Riyaz Gataullovoch, Fakhrutdinova, Anastasia Viktorovna, Abakumova, Nataliia Nikolaevna, Xu, Sisi, Terentyev, Irina Vasilyevna

    Publicado 2021
    “…The conclusions about the orientation of universities in Russia and China towards the internationalization of the national system of higher education are drawn. …”
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  18. 358

    Being a mother outside heteronormativism: Vital trajectories and challenges of Chilean homoparental families por Soledad Sánchez Díaz; Instituto Chileno de Terapia Familiar, Sonia Pía Podestá González, Paula Garrido; Ferrari

    Publicado 2018
    “…Results show that women's vital trajectories (progressive, ambivalent and queer) directly influence the way they address their sexual orientation with their children. Personal/affective and sociocultural levels show interactions and tensions around the conflict between advantages and risks of increased social visibility. …”
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  19. 359

    Schools ruled by measurement results: School effectiveness and educational policies during the transition to democracy, Chile 1990-2017 por Juan F. Herrera Jeldres; Universidad de Chile, Leonora Reyes-Jedlicki; Universidad de Chile, Carlos M. Ruiz Schneider; Universidad de Chile

    Publicado 2018
    “…It is concluded that school effectiveness is based on a research model that reduces the social complexity of education to the measurement, which is functional to governments that seek consensus and that are not oriented to social change or to the construction of more egalitarian, instituting, in this way, technical answers to political problems.…”
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  20. 360

    Fiscal Decentralization in Specific Areas of Government A Technical Note por Leonardo Letelier S, José Luis Sáez Lozano

    Publicado 2013
    “…The net outcome will be the result of combining the rent seeking orientation of the central government with the particular median voter demand for each different public good.…”
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    artículo científico