Mostrando 221 - 240 Resultados de 353 Para Buscar '"COVID-19"'
Mostrando 221 - 240 Resultados de 353 Para Buscar '"COVID-19"', tiempo de consulta: 0.03s Limitar resultados
  1. 221

    Investigación colaborativa: potencialidades y limitaciones de la cartografía social participativa por Saravia Ramos, Pablo, Vega Valdés, Débora, Espinoza Almonacid, Luis, Gutiérrez Soto, Paulo

    Publicado 2021
    “…Para alcanzar los resultados fue necesario desarrollar sesiones presenciales y virtuales, adaptando la metodología no solo a los requerimientos y dinámicas internas de las cooperativas, sino al contexto de la pandemia por COVID-19.…”
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    Neoliberalização e dinâmicas previdenciárias recentes no Brasil e no Chile por Pernasetti, Fernanda

    Publicado 2021
    “…Visando qualificar as interpretações sobre avanços e retrocessos da neoliberalização sobre o panorama da proteção social na América Latina, a análise busca incorporar também, ainda que de maneira exploratória, os efeitos da mais recente crise ocasionada pela pandemia por Covid 19, apontando de que forma esse contexto tem reforçado tais dinâmicas previdenciárias já em curso.…”
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    The In-Justice of a lacking fiscal control system. Case: Supreme Court of Justice of Venezuela´s Digital Platform por Vivas Roso, Jessica

    Publicado 2021
    “…This situation, on the occasion of the COVID-19 pandemic and the measures of social distancing and mandatory quarantine imposed by the Venezuelan State, has generated the violation of the rights of access to justice and effective judicial protection of citizens, who cannot rely on technological mechanisms to monitor judicial matters during the period of confinement. …”
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    Una mirada introspectiva : vivencias y emociones de docentes de Práctica profesional en tiempos de pandemia por Lizabe, Gladys, Robledo, Silvia

    Publicado 2022
    “…En este marco, la presente investigación indaga en vivencias y emociones que como docentes de dichos espacios transitamos en épocas del COVID-19 en las que denominamos Practi-pandemia. …”
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    documento de conferencia
  8. 228

    PUTTING IDEAS BACK IN PLACE? non-linear temporalities in Brazil’s authoritarian neoliberalism and its digital infrastructure por Cesarino, Letícia

    Publicado 2021
    “…I developed this argument focusing on two moments of Bolsonarism: the populist messianism during the 2018 elections, and its paradoxical routinization as a parasitic government operating in a temporality of exception, during the Covid-19 pandemic. This article suggestes that, in the face of the illiberal drift ofcontemporary neoliberalism, Bolsonarism propels Brazil into an avant-garde, putting ideas “back inplace”.…”
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  9. 229

    Portuguese as a Host Language for Venezuelans: teaching strategies and pratices in times of pandemics por Sene, Lígia Soares, Matos, Tainara Lucia Corrêa de, Gileno, Rosângela Sanches da Silveira

    Publicado 2021
    “…Due to the COVID-19 health crisis that afflicted the world in early 2020, language teaching and learning courses in Brazil have (re)created teaching strategies for online offer. …”
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    Program improving autonomy and scientific research in remote education por Venegas-Claros, Juana, Gonzales-Sánchez, Aracelli, Alex-Valenzuela, Luis, Visurraga-Agüero, Joel, Luy-Montejo, Carlos Augusto

    Publicado 2021
    “…Students in Regular Basic Education have shown some difficulties in developing autonomy during their learning sessions; however, this situation increased when remote education was implemented, due to mandatory confinement, caused by the emergence of Covid 19, an alternative had to be sought, which allowed solutions to this situation to be provided. …”
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    Business Resilience: empirical analysis of aguas de Cartagena S.A. E.S.P. por Mendoza-Betin, Javier A.

    Publicado 2021
    “…The article describes the results of the ad hoc resilience exercise carried out by Acuacar in the face of Covid-19. The investigation, on the one hand, answers the central question regarding the recovery capacity of the operations suspended as a result of the health emergency. …”
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    Postmodernity, public management and information and communication technologies in the public administration of Ecuador por Barragán Martínez, Xavier

    Publicado 2022
    “…During the COVID-19 health emergency in Ecuador, new public administration practices were introduced to minimize bureaucratic problems and improve traditional public management. …”
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    Reflexiones en torno a las estrategias híbridas de enseñanza en la práctica docente y residencia profesional : el caso del Profesorado en Ciencias Biológicas por Serón, Mariela Inés, Cristian Fabián Silva

    Publicado 2022
    “…El presente trabajo tiene por objeto recuperar reflexiones, repensar los desafíos y las oportunidades que nos dejó la Pandemia COVID 19 en la cátedra Práctica Docente y Residencia Profesional de la Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco (UNPSJB-Sede Comodoro Rivadavia). …”
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    documento de conferencia
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    Estrategias de integración para la reactivación económica en el sector de hostales: una revisión por Schneider-Palomino, Luis E., Gonzalez-Díaz, Jaime E.

    Publicado 2023
    “…Las restricciones a la movilidad adoptadas a nivel mundial tanto en los centros urbanos como entre países para disminuir la propagación del Covid-19 ha tenido impactos económicos negativos en muchas naciones y sectores, sobre todo el sector turístico que depende en gran medida de la movilidad de sus clientes. …”
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    Paradiplomacy and biodiplomacy: Pluralistic forms of negotiating life por Sorondo Salazar, Dennis

    Publicado 2021
    “…The COVID-19 disease has conditioned our ways of being and living. …”
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    Educación y Personas Mayores en contexto de pandemia. Desigualdades vigentes por Martínez, Verónica Natalia

    Publicado 2021
    “…In this case, we speak of the University Extension Program for Older Adults (PEUAM) belonging to the Extension Institute of the National University of Villa María (UNVM), which, after twenty years of execution, faced with the effects of the pandemic due to COVID 19, faces the question of how to think about possible strategies around the diversities and inequalities that “staying at home” goes through for the elderly. …”
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    Narrar la pandemia en clave feminista. Colectivas Ni una Menos Mendoza. Episodio 1 por Fernández Hasan, Valeria, Ciriza, Alejandra, Gil, Soledad, Salvarredi, Federico

    “…Relevo de narrativas, experiencias y discursos expresados durante la pandemia por diversos actores sociales acerca de las violencias de género, la división sexual y racial del trabajo y la sobrecarga sobre las mujeres e identidades feminizadas en Mendoza. Proyecto PISAC COVID 19 N° 98: Configuraciones discursivas en la Argentina 2020. …”
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