Mostrando 2,861 - 2,880 Resultados de 3,505 Para Buscar '"área"'
Mostrando 2,861 - 2,880 Resultados de 3,505 Para Buscar '"área"', tiempo de consulta: 0.03s Limitar resultados
  1. 2861

    Experiencias laborales de jóvenes en contextos de pobreza crítica en Gran San Miguel de Tucumán, Argentina, en los inicios del siglo XXI por Alejandra Carolina del Castillo

    Publicado 2017
    “…Partiendo de esta premisa, en este trabajo se analizan experiencias laborales de jóvenes que viven en áreas de pobreza crítica en el Gran San Miguel de Tucumán, principal ciudad intermedia del noroeste argentino. …”
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    artículo científico
  2. 2862

    Work and workers in modern Brazil (1954-1964): dialogue between two histories por Godoi, Stela Cristina de

    Publicado 2009
    “…In the process of urbanization and industrialization, in the Ford/Taylor pattern, the unions and the political parties disputed the course of the working class in Brazil, which was formed as a new ethnical-regional mosaic, made up of, above all, national migrants coming from the rural areas of the country. Taking into consideration the macro-structural scenery and the subjective and symbolic dynamics of work, the analysis of the memories from ex-workers, who worked for different metallurgical industries from the automobile productive chain, throwed lights on the conflicting relations of the everyday life in the modern world, showing a continuous attempt from these subjects to overcome the condition of working machines.…”
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  3. 2863

    Francophone literature: the voice of French language today por Pinheiro-Mariz, Josilene, Blondeau, Nicole

    Publicado 2016
    “…In this perspective, this article, with emphasis on literary texts from the French-speaking world, seeks to encourage, on the one hand, the “literary” reader to move toward a type of reading that shows the amplitude of the French language in other areas; and also seeks to whet the curiosity of the “ordinary” reader. …”
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  4. 2864

    Integrated actions of information and knowledge management in the accountig sector of a public university por Lira, Suzana de Lucena, Duarte, Emeide Nóbrega

    Publicado 2013
    “…The results obtained reveal that the findings of the survey were positive for the shares of IKM, although there is a need for improvement with regard to encouraging the sharing of knowledge in the areas that make the Coordination of Accounting and Finance of the University.…”
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  5. 2865


    Publicado 2011
    “…Em um primeiro momento são expostos alguns aspectos da obra A poética do Espaço com seus principais conceitos para, na seqüência, serem apontadas algumas contribuições para as áreas da geografia e do turismo. As reflexões deste artigo mostram que Bachelard abre novas possibilidades de olhares sob a ótica geográfica e do turismo na medida que investiga o homem, seus pensamentos, sonhos e devaneios no espaço e lugar por ele construídos.…”
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  6. 2866

    Geodinámica ambiental de La cuenca Del río San Pedro. Flanco norandino venezolano por MONTIEL, Kati A., ACOSTA, Cristina M., MALDONADO, Henry B.

    Publicado 2001
    “…El estúdio abarca el perímetro de Ia cuenca del rio San Pedro, flanco norandino venezolano, donde amplias áreas deforestadas, cicatrices de deslizamiento, sistemas de diaclasas, cercavas y surcos se conjugan y generan un desequilíbrio morfogenético expresado en movimientos de masa generalizados y avalanchas torrenciales, representando un peligro natural para Ia población local. …”
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  7. 2867


    Publicado 2012
    “…Em seguida, é discutida a crise e renovação da geografia cultural, apontando os teóricos que se destacaram e a contribuição recebida de outras áreas do conhecimento para o delineamento da fase contemporânea. …”
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  8. 2868

    Entramados rebeldes de puna y valles en el Tucumán (siglo XVII). Valle de Londres, provincia de los Diaguitas. Una perspectiva cartográfica por Quiroga, Laura

    Publicado 2018
    “…Se plantea que esta pieza cartográfica, publicada en 1662, representa la dinámica política, de alianzas y liderazgos entre las áreas puneña y cordillerana de la gobernación. La alianza formada por los curacas de Antofagasta con los de Malfin, Andalgalá y Abaucán constituye un entramado rebelde con una dinámica propia respecto de los alzamientos de gran escala liderados por los calchaquíes que habitaron la Gobernación del Tucumán.…”
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  9. 2869

    School convivencia: Reviewing the concept por Cecilia Fierro-Evans; Académica e Investigadora de la Universidad Iberoamericana León, Patricia Carbajal-Padilla; Investigadora

    Publicado 2019
    “…As a result, they propose a concept of convivencia from a social justice perspective adapted to education, and they operationalize it in three areas of school life: pedagogical-curricular, organizational-administrative, and socio-communitarian. …”
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  10. 2870

    Democracy and Repressive Apparatus in Brazil during the Government of Luis Inácio “Lula” da Silva, 2003-2010 por Pezzarini, Martín

    Publicado 2021
    “…This paper analyzes some of the main characteristics of the State's repressive forces during “Lula” da Silva´s administration (2003-2010) and, at the same time, examines the murders of activists by government and parastatal forces, paying special attention to cases registered in rural areas. This work was made with a quantitative methodology from different sources. …”
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  11. 2871

    Débat sur l’inclusion du coopérativisme dans les politiques de la nouvelle ruralité en Amérique latine. por García García, Francisco de Borja

    Publicado 2017
    “…Rural society in Latin America has been confronted with serious problems, such as rural poverty, agricultural production changes, the exodus to the urban areas or the inclusion of small and mediumsized farmers in the value chains. …”
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  12. 2872

    Colombian education at the beginning of the industrialization of Latin America : 1930-1946. por Vanegas Beltrán, Muriel

    Publicado 2019
    “…For this purpose, the measures that aspired to the renewal of the national educational system are discussed, facing this continental trend, in its ideological, political, economic and social aspects, in order to identify some of its main effects and results in the areas of Normalistic, Primary, Middle, Technical and Industrial education. …”
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  13. 2873

    Job satisfaction as a career development indicator in higher education institutions. por Pinto Aragón, Elvis Eliana, Castro Alfaro, Alain, Paz Marcano, Annherys Isabel

    Publicado 2020
    “…It is concluded that job satisfaction as an indicator of development is based on factors external to the institution under study, and that it promotes synergy, coexistence and well-being among employees, promoting professional development in work areas. Likewise, it is suggested to maintain the satisfaction factor in working places, managing to increase the motivation in the work performance of the administrative career collaborators.…”
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  14. 2874

    Development policies for the Colombian zones most affected by conflict (ZOMAC). por Sandoval Vásquez, Luis Carlos, Torra Cárdenas, Jesús Augusto, Chía Suarez, María Ana Martina

    Publicado 2020
    “…This article analyzes the fiscal, economic and social conditions necessary to promote sustainable development in those areas in accordance with the fiscal framework that generates them. …”
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  15. 2875

    Corruption: Accounting ethics and IFRS por García Barbosa, Milton Darío, Mórelo Pinto , Angel Manuel, Serpa Ávila , Ilver Frank

    Publicado 2022
    “…As additional results, we highlight the six areas of training that Higher Education Institutions must address in the formation of future accounting professionals, highlighting the relevance of the socio-humanistic component. …”
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  16. 2876

    La propuesta de valor como elemento clave para innovar en el modelo de negocio del periodismo deportivo: comparativa de estudios de caso en España por Marín Sanchiz, Cristian Ramón, González-Esteban, José Luis, Carvajal, Miguel, Valero-Pastor, José María

    Publicado 2023
    “…Through a comparative case study, this article analyses the current situation and evolution of three media (ElDesmarque, Panenka, and 2Playbook) in six areas: value proposition, capabilities, positio-ning, market, revenue model, and mission. …”
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  17. 2877

    Medicina, Estado y reproducción en el Brasil de inicios del siglo XX por Rohden, Fabiola

    Publicado 2007
    “…Para hacerlo analiza la producción científica en las áreas de la ginecología, obstetricia y puericultura, presentadas en tesis académicas y periódicos médicos entre 1900 y 1940. …”
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  18. 2878

    El costo de no gastar por Fontaine, Guillaume

    Publicado 2008
    “…La precariedad sigue siendo la regla para el Ministerio del Ambiente (que cumple diez años), mientras que los recursos del Fondo Nacional Ambiental se espolvorean entre más de treinta áreas mal que bien protegidas. ¿Cambiará esta tendencia con el “Plan nacional de desarrollo”? …”
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  19. 2879

    Cadena de valor del durazno de industria por Ojer, Miguel Alejandro

    Publicado 2020
    “…Los ensayos en los montes frutales abarcaron dos áreas; la evaluación del crecimiento de los frutos y de los cambios asociados a la maduración se realizó en un monte comercial ubicado en el deoartamento de Tunuyán. …”
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  20. 2880

    Los Huarpes, el agua y el ambiente por Hiramatsu, T., García Cardoni, M.O.

    Publicado 2017
    “…El objetivo de este trabajo es describir la situación de este pueblo en las áreas no irrigadas de Lavalle, su acceso al agua y a un ambiente sano. …”
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    documento de conferencia