Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 21 Para Buscar 'Goa~'
Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 21 Para Buscar 'Goa~', tiempo de consulta: 0.73s Limitar resultados
  1. 1

    Agrarian transformations and social organization in the austral Coas por Carrillo García, Germán

    Publicado 2013
    “…Since the second half of the 20th century, a series of quick transformations took place in Ecuador. …”
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    La iniciativa europea para la democracia y su impacto en la Comunidad Andina. Caso Colombia por Toro, Ana

    Publicado 2012
    “…A la hora de evaluar las políticas europeas es fundamental tener en cuenta la complejidad institucional de la Unión Europea porque los distintos órganos y Estados que la componen tienen opiniones divergentes respecto a la problemática colombiana y a la forma de actuar; todavía hay quienes son más proclives a políticas de fuerza y menos a las cuestiones de derechos humanos por lo que los instrumentos europeos de Promoción de la Democracia no alcanzaron las expectativas creadas en Colombia y en la Región Andina.…”
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    Afrodescendants, racialization and policies of sensibilities in Argentina por Cervio, Ana Lucía

    Publicado 2020
    “…Taking the problem of afrodescendants in Argentina as a study case, the general purpose is to discuss about sensibilities, understood as structures of feeling that translate the plots of social domination into everyday life. …”
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    Adornos corporales y género en las fotografías etnográficas de Yámana/Yagán por Butto, Ana, Fiore, Danae

    Publicado 2017
    “…Se entiende a la fotografía como un artefacto cultural que permite rescatar múltiples agencias, considerando que los elementos incluidos en la imagen -como los adornos corporales- refieren no sólo a los intereses del fotógrafo sino también a los de los fotografiados. …”
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    La migración: Estudio sobre las remesas de divisas que ingresan en el Ecuador por Borrero Vega, Dra. Ana Luz

    Publicado 2006
    “…Según datos de la Dirección Nacional de Migración del Ecuador durante los tres últimos años salieron del país un 1’220 362 ecuatorianos y los países a donde se dirigieron fueron a Estados Unidos, España, Italia, Alemania e Inglaterra, de estos han regresado a Ecuador 917 826 de forma voluntaria, esto quiere decir que unos 302 000 ecuatorianos se han quedado fuera del país en estos últimos años, de estos 3 427 han sido repatriados por no tener documentos reglamentarios, unos pocos miles han regresado procedentes de España para regularizar su situación y volver a ese país con un contrato de trabajo y residencia. …”
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    The afrodescendant body-childhood: Systematization of an experience por Souza, Ana Paula Del Duque, Oliveira de Vasconcelos, Valéria

    Publicado 2018
    “…Las actividades desarrolladas por dos años con aproximadamente 300 niños, entre 05 y 06 años, demuestran que es posible construir alternativas en la propia institución escolar, con enorme potencial en lo que se refiere a su capacidad de dar significado a las vivencias de los niños, desarrollan-do la creatividad, valorando la diversidad y, sobre todo, despertando su conciencia corpóreo-histórico-cultural. …”
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    Sports Federations of Spain, communication resources and impact of Covid-19 por Fernández-Souto, Ana Belén, Rúas-Araújo, José, Puentes-Rivera, Iván

    Publicado 2023
    “…Their functions include communication and the organization of events, so the emergence of the pandemic, as in other sectors, meant a structural adaptation and communication management that put these organizations to the test. …”
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    From descriptive to substantive representation? Women and politics in Latin America por Hernández-Gutiérrez, José Carlos, Cárdenas-Arguedas, Sol, Cortés-Hernández, Ana Karen

    Publicado 2023
    “…In order to study the latter type of representation, legislative committees are taken into account. It is found that a higher percentage of women occupying a seat does not always translate into women holding an equal proportion of committee chairmanships. …”
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    The migration causes. A brief bibliographical review por Armijos-Orellana, Ana Carolina, Maldonado-Matute, Juan Manuel, González-Calle, María José, Guerrero-Maxi, Pedro Fernando

    Publicado 2022
    “…It was concluded that the migratory phenomenon does not arise within a specific temporality, but that it appears in different periods of time. …”
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    La esencial analogía por Vinueza, Humberto

    Publicado 2008
    “…Sombra y destello en la vibración del instante, mientras discurre una conversación, en la evocación o el arrobamiento ante el paisaje cósmico, en la lectura de poemas de otros poetas que ya sonpropios o de los propios que pertenecen a la plural humanidad. …”
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    What can be learnt from the religious sentiment to enrich the sociopolitical sphere? A brief reminder about religion’s sociopolitical value por Mansilla, H. C. F.

    Publicado 2014
    “…This text aims to remember some important aspects about this theme which are still acute, like the relevance of religious phenomena relative to environmental protection (as they appear in the Biblical Genesis), the necessity of love and solidarity in social relations (according to the theory of G. W. F. Hegel), and in the foundation of a comprehensive and lasting idea of justice (according to the theory of Jürgen Habermas). …”
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    La criminalización de la desigualdad en la teoría de la justicia de David Hume por Álvarez García, Santiago

    Publicado 2013
    “…Por último, trataremos de ofrecer una solución verosímil a uno de los conflictos perennes en la literatura secundaria sobre la filosofía ético política humeana ?…”
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    The image in dispute. Cronistas Barriales. Produce from the neighborhoods por Gonzalez, Nestor Daniel, Elizondo, Cecilia, García, Juan

    Publicado 2017
    “…Its main goal is to prepare teenagers, from different neighborhoods in the areas of audiovisual languages, broadcasting and production to be able to develop a news programme based on their socio-economic realities and vulnerabilities. …”
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    Discourse, opinion and episteme. Immigrants and COVID-19 in the chilean press por Torrico Avila, Elizabeth, González-González, Jaime

    Publicado 2021
    “…Being the problem of study the influence that the expression of a certain type ofdiscourse has over its receivers, the goal of this article is to reflect about the link between the discourse,the public opinion and the press epistemology regarding the immigration in Chile during COVID-19times. …”
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    Circulation and distribution of ethnographic films in Latin America por Chávez Carvajal, Hugo

    Publicado 2017
    “…While visual anthropology, as the roof under which is usually wrapped this films, enjoys good health in the region and new educational and research projects are generated every year, It has not been the same with the diffusion, distribution and exhibition despite the long tradition of documentary film linked to the anthropological view in countries such as Argentina, Colombia and Mexico. …”
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    The fears in times of crisis according to teachers and students of Argentin por Langer, Eduardo

    Publicado 2018
    “…The central question of this paper is how and why, despite living –and surviving– in a state of societal crisis which produces many fears in people, both teachers and students value the school as useful, and have hopes about their education and training, and also about their future. …”
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    Digital Media and COVID-19: overinformation, polarization and misinformation por Zunino, Esteban

    Publicado 2021
    “…In specific terms, this work aims toinvestigate: 1) the evolution of the media agendas during the social isolation period; 2) the informationsources deployment; and 3) the differential standing obtained by different actors in the media treatment.To this goal, a quantitative content analysis was developed of the most relevant news items in Infobae,Clarín, La Nación and Página/12 between March 20 and October 18, 2020 (n=4,240). …”
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    Exploring trends in the public sphere: scientometrics and systematic review por Aranibar-Ramos, Edgar Romario, Salinas-Gainza, Freddy Raul, Seguil-Ormeño, Nilton Axel

    Publicado 2023
    “…The analysis of the latest Scopus publications revealed a noticeable increase in research production over the past five years. …”
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    Youth political subjectivities and critical interculturality por Arroyo Ortega, Adriana, Giraldo, Carolina Marcela, Guerra Correa, Jeimy

    Publicado 2020
    “…Among the main results are aspects related to the ways in which they are assumed andprojected in collective action and how opportunities arise there to recognize and overcome the problemsof inequality that are going through their lives. …”
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    Pensions in Mexico: descendent social mobility and intergenerational subjectivity por Millán Valenzuela, Henio

    Publicado 2021
    “…Mexican system of pension, based on “pay-as-you go” (individual capitalization) persists, though its obvious limitations for keeping the well-being pensioners had during their labor life. …”
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