Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 31 Para Buscar 'CRUB~'
Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 31 Para Buscar 'CRUB~', tiempo de consulta: 0.97s Limitar resultados
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    Club de periodismo como incidente comunicacional en el proceso educativo por Sandoval G., Jefferson J., Rodríguez C., Tomás H.

    Publicado 2018
    “…Este trabajo analiza la recepción de los géneros periodísticos interpretativos en la Academia Naval Guayaquil, a partir de la incidencia comunicacional del Club de Periodismo del diario El Telégrafo. Se buscó identificar los procesos de recepción de los géneros interpretativos y su incidencia comunicacional en los estudiantes. …”
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    Islamic democracy? From the arab spring to the muslim winter por Hermosa Andújar, Antonio

    Publicado 2013
    “…This article analyses the extend of the connections between islam and the democratization processes that came together with the “arab spring”, originated by the crowds on the streets. …”
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    Information, comunication and COVID-19: a literature review of seeking models from academic libraries por Cruz-Vázquez, Alfredo, Ramos-Rojas, Diego Noel

    Publicado 2023
    “…From a literature review and the selection of models of informational behavior anduser studies, clues were detected to study digital culture from a research perspective of academic libra-ries. …”
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    Luchas por la escolarización de jóvenes en condición de pobreza de Argentina por Langer, Eduardo

    Publicado 2016
    “…Se trata de estudiar las dinámicas cotidianas de los dispositivos pedagógicos de manera comparativa en dos localidades de diferentes provincias de Argentina, Santa Cruz y Buenos Aires, atendiendo a las condiciones de vida, a las defensas y formas para sostener la educación de jóvenes en barrios en los que se fue profundizando la pobreza urbana y las desigualdades sociales de las comunidades. …”
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    Engagement of the Spanish, English and German health ministries on TikTok por Forja-Pena, Tania

    Publicado 2022
    “…During the pandemic caused by Covid-19, government-dependent institutions had to take on numerouschallenges, including communication efforts to inform citizens about the situation. …”
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    Occupational hazards in construction. A sociocultural analysis por Martínez Guirao, Javier Eloy

    Publicado 2016
    “…Despite the measures in recent years taken in the prevention of occupational risks in Spain, accidents and illnesses caused by work continue to occur and the construction sector is one of the most affected. …”
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    Participatory Budget: a review of scientific research and its democratic implications from 2000 to 2016 por Buele Nugra, Irene Gisel, Vidueira Mera, Pablo

    Publicado 2018
    “…The level of diffusion and application of participatory budgeting is unknown. The implications caused for democratic processes are also unknown. …”
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    Use of television spots in the elections: Paúl Granda’s campaign for the Mayoralty of Cuenca – 2009 por De Santis, Andrea

    Publicado 2016
    “…The advertising used by Movimiento PAIS forced other political parties and candidates to radically change their strategy; this caused a strong impact in voters and demonstrated the consensus Ecuadorians had for President Rafael Correa in 2006. …”
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    Emotions, public space, and urban images in the context of COVID-19 por Cabrera-Barona, Pablo, Barragán-Ochoa, Fernando, Carrión , Andrea, Valdez, Felipe, López-Sandoval, María Fernanda

    Publicado 2022
    “…During the COVID-19 pandemic, confinement and mobility restrictions gave rise to different questionsregarding the use and perceptions on public space, where the relational and contextual properties of thisspace may cause a diversity of emotions. We use machine learning and social network analysis to exploreemotions in relation to the public space, based on attributes extracted from photos of the city of Quito,Ecuador, taken between April and June 2020. …”
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    Worry about COVID-19 and its effects on the online political participation of citizens in the Ecuadorian context por Zumárraga-Espinosa, Marcos, Egas-Balseca, Sonia, Reyes-Valenzuela, Carlos

    Publicado 2022
    “…During the COVID-19 pandemic, confinement and mobility restrictions gave rise to different questions regarding the use and perceptions on public space, where the relational and contextual properties of this space may cause a diversity of emotions. We use machine learning and social network analysis to explore emotions in relation to the public space, based on attributes extracted from photos of the city of Quito, Ecuador, taken between April and June 2020. …”
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    Digital literacy in young people with mild intellectual disability. A case study in the city of Saltillo, Mexico por Aguirre Martínez, Rocío Isabel, de Casas Moreno, Patricia, Paramio-Pérez, Gema

    Publicado 2018
    “…The development of new technologies is causing rapid changes in the school curriculum. In this way, it is necessary to emphasize the training and learning, by part of the students, of a correct digital lite-racy due to the rise of the Internet. …”
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    Jóvenes, violencia y pandillas en las periferias de Cartagena-Colombia. aproximaciones teóricas y fragmentos etnográficos por Alvarez Alvarez, Willian Andres

    Publicado 2016
    “…El objetivo de este trabajo, es utilizar los datos de esta investigación de campo para pensar un abordaje teórico que comprenda y explique la emergencia reciente de estas pandillas, el uso y formas de este tipo de violencia en el Caribe, en contraste de la interpretación que se tiene sobre la violencia urbana existente en el resto del país asociada al crimen organizado ligado al narcotráfico. …”
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    Gender stereotypes in TikTok and Instagram: a reverse engineering experiment for understanding the mechanisms of social network algorithms por Campos-Pellanda, Eduardo, Bueno-Fernandes, Anna Cláudia

    Publicado 2022
    “…The study was divided into phases in which the levels of interaction with the content of the applications were changed so that it was possible to analyze the transformations in the recommended videos to identify clues to the mechanism used by the platform. Finally, it was possible to observe differences between the content suggested for each profile thatmay be related to gender stereotypes and differences in quality and popular topics in each application. …”
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    El currulao de la aventura: interculturalidad en el Ecuador por Montaño Escobar, Ing. Juan

    Publicado 2006
    “…Debió ser el primer gran ejemplo de interculturalidad de la costa pacífica, lo atestigua la pintura de Andrés Sánchez Gallquei de los cimarrones, don Francisco de Arobe y sus hijos, don Pedro y don Domingo. El cuadro testimonia la favorable vecindad de culturas, los cimarrones llevan adornos indígenas que resaltan altivez y autenticidad de nobleza. …”
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    La ética de la responsabilidad según Robert Spaemann por Mestre, Alberto

    Publicado 2011
    “…El tema de la responsabilidad moral es recurrente, tanto en la ética filosófica como en la teología moral y, en no pocos casos, crea un gran interés en ambientes políticos y profesionales. …”
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