Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 27 Para Buscar 'RENEX~'
Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 27 Para Buscar 'RENEX~', tiempo de consulta: 1.22s Limitar resultados
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    Relevance and market analysis for decision making in Higher Education institutions: Offer of Master’s degrees in Administrative Sciences in the Colombian Caribbean region por Vassallo-Díaz, Leonardo, Cárdenas-Herrera, Stephanía

    Publicado 2020
    “…The validation of the existence of an existing demand and the relevance of offering new master’s programs is developed on the basis of concepts of relevance and demand. …”
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    Strategy in organizations and limits from the social and human perspective por Cardona-Arbeláez, Diego, Gómez-Castillo, Natalia, Lorduy-Miranda, Susana Margarita

    Publicado 2020
    “…This document aims to address the different meanings of the concept of strategy from the perspective of various scholars in this area of knowledge, placing great emphasis on the model proposed by Renée Bedard. It can be concluded that the concept of strategy is the dynamic and structuring element of companies, since it has the capacity to give direction to the actions developed by human capital within organizations.…”
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    Integration of Big Data in Port Logistics as a potentiator of competitiveness and productivity por Viloria-Vilarete, Eliecer E.

    Publicado 2022
    “…Results: As results, 28 documentary sources were obtained that provided relevant analyzes and considerations on the logistics task, specifically on port logistics, as well as on 4.0 technology and on Big Data. …”
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    Importance of the navy in the illegal trafficking of marine species por Correa-Segura, Mario Alberto, Vela-Ordoñez, David Alberto

    Publicado 2018
    “…This said, the objective of this study is to analyze the roll of the Colombian Navy as an empowered institution for the protection of renewable and nonrenewable marine resources.…”
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    A Vision of Innovation and Entrepreneurship as an engine of Economic Growth in Colombia por Molina-Muñoz, Edwin D.J.

    Publicado 2022
    “…Taking into consideration the challenges posed by the current competitive environment, it is necessary to analyse in a reflexive way how this is presented in society, thus analysing the process of development of innovation as entrepreneurship in Colombia, and part of the review of articles and studies related to the concept of innovation and its relationship with entrepreneurship. country. …”
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    Logistics Perfomance Tracking: a Review por Zapateiro-Altamiranda, Orlando

    Publicado 2020
    “…In that order of ideas and through a review of the analytical literature, the following logistics performance measures are presented: Gunasekaran’s Measurement of Performance Indicators of Strategic, Tactical and Operational Levels; Measurement of Performance Indicators in the processes of the logistics chain; SCOR (Supply Chain Operations Reference) model; and Donald Bowersox’s Logistics Reference Model (LMR), commenting on its main characteristics so that both academics and decision makers in the logistics area within organisations have a cognitive tool that allows them to choose the model that suits their needs. …”
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    Design of an Ecological Route as a Pedagogical Strategy to Promote the Knowledge of the Mangrove Ecosystem in the Naval School of Cadets “Almirante Padilla” por Mendoza-Pérez, Cristhian, Vitola-Quintero, Marena, Rojas-Sáenz, Valeria, Valencia-Rosas, Danna

    Publicado 2020
    “…The present work is the result of an information gathering in the feld oriented to identify the ecological characteristics of the mangrove ecosystem present near the Navy School “Almirante Padilla”, such as mangrove species present in the study area and its associated fauna. Relevant information to design an ecological path that manages to show in all its dimensions the relevance of the mangrove forest that goes from the great biodiversity it houses to the protection it provides to the coasts against natural disasters and erosion. …”
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    Transformation of the National Army, importance of network analysis in its socialization por Ibarra-Fernández, Mikel I.

    Publicado 2021
    “…The main conclusion is that network analysis can provide relevant information for the design of transformation socialization plans, such as the identification of the positions with greater centrality and intermediation in the network that is configured with the structure of the Army.…”
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    Logistical challenges of fourth generation ports diagnosis and modernization in emerging countries por Boyano-Fram, Teófilo Omar

    Publicado 2019
    “…The following text is the result of a review of the literature related to the subject, which describes the Referents related to Ports of Fourth Generation, also includes the challenges that will have to face in a country that fails to have development indices. …”
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    Refining Strategy: Management approaches and Market orientation por Verján-Quiñones, Ricardo, Woo-Gutiérrez, María G., García-Alegre, Daniel

    Publicado 2021
    “…For this reason, a review of the literature is proposed to elucidate the approaches to administrative management and market orientation, so that the results obtained can be used as references for managers and organizations. The results show that the administrative approach depends to a great extent on the economic environment of the organization and the customer orientation tends to be the most successful.…”
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    Comparative analysis of the logistics and sustainability of the ports of Callao and Cartagena de Indias por Boyano-Fram, Teófilo O.

    Publicado 2021
    “…In times of crisis the supply cannot be stopped for food security and business sustainability, the covid and future pandemics will have an impact on the world, but trade relations continue and so does the supply, this article was done by collecting data and references that exist between the two ports in South America and are The Port of Callao in Peru and the Port of Cartagena de Indias in Colombia, we interviewed experts on the subject, reviewing specialized journals and reports that are issued by the entities in charge, was also taken into account: the sustainability of the Ports, its port movement and the port logistics, the intention is to observe its relation that is given between the growth of the Port and the city, in it is concluded that both ports contribute to the economy of the Continent and that they present asymmetries by their georeferentiation and vocation with their economic and social surroundings.…”
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    Incidents in Corporate Social Responsibility as a consequence of the supply of fertilizers of Russian origin in Latin American markets por Bolaños-Silva, Luis G.

    Publicado 2023
    “…This article examines corporate social responsibility (CSR) issues arising from the sourcing of Russian-origin fertilisers in Latin American markets, despite the sanctions imposed on this country by the international community. CSR refers to the business practice of considering for the social, environmental, and ethical impacts of a company's operations and taking responsibility for those impacts. …”
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    The New Conventional Thought por Gómez-Castillo, Natalia

    Publicado 2019
    “…Porter, who without a doubt is one of the great referents of modern administration, conceives in his beginnings that the only purpose of organizations is the maximization of profts, as the only source of growth and development, which is known as conventional or classical thinking. …”
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    Entrepreneurship, business dynamics and employment: a review from the Perspective of Economic Growth por De la Hoz-Villar, Rita, Prieto-Flórez, Javier

    Publicado 2020
    “…To this end, we begin by elucidating some theories linked to entrepreneurship and economic growth that have been put forward by the most important thinkers in each feld, and from there we compile the most relevant research in recent years that links these issues. …”
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    The role of Strategic Communication as a Factor of Competitive Advantage for the Organization por Gutiérrez-Meneses, Rafael E.

    Publicado 2022
    “…One of these sources is strategic communication, which is why this research has sought to analyze and review the current state of the art in terms of organizational communication as a factor in the competitive advantage of the organization/company, defining the concepts that nurture the theory of communication, strategic communication and the relevance of this to ensure competitive advantage. …”
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    The strategic logistics plan: a proposal for a non-profit company por Peinado-Aldana, Ana Carolina

    Publicado 2019
    “…The strategic plan constitutes a fundamental tool that allows to elucidate in an organized way the necessary steps to carry out objectives, this aspect becomes more relevant at the moment of interrelating it with the logistic chain of the company, fomenting optimal results for the organization. …”
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