Mostrando 101 - 120 Resultados de 240 Para Buscar 'Kolumbia~'
Mostrando 101 - 120 Resultados de 240 Para Buscar 'Kolumbia~', tiempo de consulta: 2.13s Limitar resultados
  1. 101

    Working conditions of nursing graduates of a public university in Cartagena. por Cogollo Milanés, Zuleima, Marques Polo, Adalgiza, Guzmán, Ana Cristina, Gómez Bustamante, Edna

    Publicado 2019
    “…In this order, we sought to identify the working conditions of graduates of a nursing program from a public university in Colombia. For this, a descriptive study was designed, with a sample of 110 nurses, to whom a survey by the Labor Observatory for Education was applied, which investigates sociodemographic characteristics, job characteristics, labor relations, hiring and job security condition. …”
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    A "BIT-PASE" Analysis applied to social dynamics in the Carmen de Bolívar por Arrieta-Flórez, Rosaura, Amézquita-López, Julio Adolfo, Martínez-Torres, Diana Carolina, Chamorro-Salas, Karen Margarita, Hernández-Zambrano, Aura

    Publicado 2012
    “…This article presents the results of the relevance and impact of agro-industrial competitiveness policies in the socioeconomic context of El Carmen de Bolivar, using the methodology developed by the Population Approach Population Fund (UNFPA) and the External University of Colombia (UEC), which identifies linkages (balance sheets, interactions and tensions) between the programs, plans and projects and actions with the most significant social and economic development of the municipality.…”
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    Financiamiento y acceso a al salud en el distrito de Cartagena de Indias por Alvis-Guzmán, Nelson

    Publicado 2001
    “…Con el propósito de cumplir el mandado constitucional de garantizar el derecho a la salud y la seguridad social a todos los colombianos, el Congreso de la República en 1993 promulgó la Ley 100, mediante la cual crea el Sistema General de Seguridad Social en Salud (SGSSS) orientado por los principios constitucionales de universalidad, solidaridad y eficiencia.El SGSSS, que representa la mayor reforma en el Sector Salud emprendida en Colombia, determinó que todos los colombianos deberían estar obligatoriamente afiliados al sistema mediante uno de los regímenes establecidos: contributivo se refiere a las personas con capacidad de pago y subsidiado para los pobres. …”
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    Analysis of the implementation of IFRS in the Colombian telecommunications sector. por Guevara Sanabria, Jaime Alberto, Castaño Rios, Carlos Eduardo, Quirós Lizarazo, Elkin Horacio

    Publicado 2018
    “…Due to the implementation of new accounting standards in Colombia, many questions arose about their effects on the financial information of organizations. …”
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    Health system investments in the Bolivar region: an analysis of efficiency and productivity por Maza-Avila, Francisco, Vergara-Schmalbach, Juan Carlos

    Publicado 2014
    “…This paper analyzes productivity growth, technical progress and changes in investment efficiency of the Subsidized Health Regime in the municipalities of Bolivar region (Colombia) during the period 2010 - 2011. This research applies Data Envelopment Analysis -DEA- and the Malmquist index in order to measure the efficiency and productivity based on data available of the number of the subsidized regime affiliates, the total amount of resources assigned by the General Participation System and the health expenses per municipality. …”
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    Monetary Theory: Rules and Discretion por Clavijo-Vera, Sergio, Vera-Sandoval, Alejandro, Vera-Concha, Nelson

    Publicado 2015
    “…This debate has had a great significance over the last five years, since the political challenges of the Great Recession have led Central Banks to these kinds of situations, which is particularly visible in developed countries where Central Banks have introduced unconventional monetary policies. In Colombia, this Rules and Discretion framework is useful for the Banco de la República in order to face the end of the economic boom of the miningand energy sector.…”
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  11. 111

    Historia, economía y sociedad. por Acevedo P., Rafael E., Escobar E., Andres

    Publicado 2019
    “…Teniendo en cuenta esa premisa, que invita a trascender las fronteras disciplinares, la revista Panorama Económico, publicación de la Universidad de Cartagena, presenta al público lector un nuevo número dedicado al estudio de las prácticas económicas en Colombia desde el punto de vista histórico. Hemos querido en esta ocasión reunir un conjunto de trabajos, resultados de proyectos de investigación, que señalan posibles rutas de análisis y puntos de encuentros entre la Economía y la Historia a propósito de la comprensión de los órdenes políticos, las comunidades, las actividades mercantiles, las fábricas, la ciencia, las redes de comercio, el territorio y los múltiples actores sociales que dinamizaron la economía tanto en la sociedad colonial del siglo XVIII como en la República de Colombia del siglo XIX y XX.…”
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    Development policies for the Colombian zones most affected by conflict (ZOMAC). por Sandoval Vásquez, Luis Carlos, Torra Cárdenas, Jesús Augusto, Chía Suarez, María Ana Martina

    Publicado 2020
    “…The armed conflict in Colombia has had economic and social consequences, especially in territories dominated for decades by illegal groups. …”
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    Especialization effect on Colombian exports during XIX century: A shift share analysis por Barrios-Aguirre, Fernando

    Publicado 2008
    “…One approach that allows us to understand the economic dynamics of the nineteenth century in Colombia is through Export in this period. By the figures we can observe the dynamics of the main items of production other than gold, its dynamism and contribution to export growth in the nineteenth century: gold, snuff and “quinine”, and some crafts (intensive also in natural resources and unskilled labor), such as straw hats, especially during the expansion of diversified exports, 1850-1882.Cyclical movements as well as the insertion of Latin American countries to the capitalist process and the first steps of globalization allows us to influence the explanation of the dynamics, stagnation and growth of some potentially exportable products that were in the nineteenth century. …”
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    Impacto científico en el Caribe Colombiano : ciencias sociales. por Escobar Espinoza, Andrés, Lopez Verhelst, Nicolás

    Publicado 2017
    “…Lo anterior cobra singular importancia si se considera que la mencionada región se caracteriza por los innumerables desafíos en diferentes indicadores si se compara con las principales regiones de Colombia.…”
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    Trade in the isthmus of Panama : fiscal and political debate on the panamanian “peculiarity”, 1821-1850. por Ruiz, Paola

    Publicado 2019
    “…The new political scenario outlined by her and her accession to the Republic of Colombia first then to New Grenada afterwards. This allowed Panamanians to claim republican authorities free ports as a way to regain their former commercial splendor. …”
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    Corporate social responsability challenges for higher education institutions. por Barón Mercado, Sally, Cantillo Orozco, Ana, Martínez Tapia, Edgardo

    Publicado 2020
    “…This article analyzes the practices of Corporate Social Responsibility in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and their relevance in the current period of peace agreements between the State and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). The Corporate Social Responsibility can promote the social transformation of the communities through cooperation and the integration of the communities in the academic training processes to strengthen the regional economic dynamics. …”
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    La descentralización agropecuaria como instrumento de desarrollo por Herrera-Llamas, Jorge Antonio

    Publicado 1996
    “…El actual estado de postración que vive el sector campesino en Colombia ante el fracaso de las políticas nacionales que, lejos de dar verdaderas soluciones a los problemas del campo, han acrecentado el malestar social' y la pobreza en que se encuentra el 70% de la población rural, tal como se muestra en el cuadro N° 1,el cual evidencia la necesidad de tratar el problema en su verdadera dimensión estructura r. …”
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