Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 28 Para Buscar 'Omán~'
Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 28 Para Buscar 'Omán~', tiempo de consulta: 1.34s Limitar resultados
  1. 1

    Story of an abused woman. Footprints in the subjective construction of the social bond por Velosa Forero, Jaime, Rojas Rondon, Ana Maria

    Publicado 2017
    “…Violence seems to be always present, both in the history of humanity as well as in the history of every one of us. …”
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    Becoming a Woman: The Overflow of the Modern Transcendental Project into Women’s Monstrous Experience por García Ortiz, Doris Lised

    Publicado 2020
    “…The article presents an ontological and political approach to the cate­gory of becoming a woman in modernity, debating between different academic perspectives of philosophy and history, with the aim of pro­viding elements of analysis that contribute to the understanding of wo­men in the field of social studies. …”
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    The human condition as a politics of life por Betancur Hernandez, Luisa Fernanda

    Publicado 2019
    “…With The Human Condition, Hannah Arendt proposed to identify the possibility of human existence starting from political relations in the public domain. …”
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    A duet for peace: Human Rights education and art por Franco Bautista, Karen Maricel

    Publicado 2022
    “…This article collects the pedagogical and investigative proposals since 2000 to 2021, in different training spaces at a national and international level, based on the relation between Human Rights Education (HRE) and art for promote peace cultures. …”
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    The Aesthetic Education as a pedagogical proposal to strengthen human rights and protection mechanisms por Lizarazo Gómez, Diana Estefanía

    Publicado 2016
    “…The project was created from the need  to share an aesthetic experience that allows spaces where experi- ence through working with others, facilitates the direct encounter  with human rights, not from the theoretical discourse.…”
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    Teaching humanities through distance learning: A reflection from Santo Tomás University por Patiño Montero, Freddy

    Publicado 2019
    “…This article presents the research results of  a humanities study from the Vice Chancellor’s Office at Santo Tomás University’s Open  and  Distance  University;  it  explores  the  challenges  associated  with  teaching  humanities  and  its  impact  on  human  and citizen education among students from the School of  Sci-ence  and  Technology.  …”
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    Cartographies and memory images: a route towards the analysis of the remembrance and forgetfulness processes in the rural area habitants of Ciudad Bolívar por Rodríguez Arévalo, Diego Mauricio

    Publicado 2022
    “…This article analyzes, through image, the different nuances, transgressions and projections that establish memory in the spaces, uses, objects and daily practices observed in the ru­ral inhabitants of Ciudad Bolívar. …”
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    The influence of education from a complex paradigm in the formation on citizens por Huertas Díaz, Omar

    Publicado 2016
    “…The report rests on the educational elements that from the complex thought can affect a formation of citizens.…”
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    El gobierno de Juan Manuel Santos y su política de seguridad y defensa por Vargas Velásquez, Alejo

    Publicado 2014
    “…Sin embargo, la segunda parte del texto, destaca que si bien no desconoció ni desconoce dicho legado, Santos se ha propuesto imprimir su propio sello al manejo de la seguridad nacional; primero, desde el reconocimiento del Conflicto Armado Interno; y segundo, desde la formulación de la Política Integral de Seguridad y Defensa para la Prosperidad, que a diferencia de la Seguridad Democrática, reconoce que los problemas de violencia van más allá de las Farc e implican el reto de combatir las Bandas Criminales (Bacrim) y la delincuencia común en las ciudades. …”
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    La crisis del 29 y las lecciones no aprendidas Un panorama socio-económico de la vida en Estados Unidos en la década de los veinte desde una perspectiva cíclica por Guevara Castañeda, Diego, Peña Ramírez, Fernando

    Publicado 2014
    “…Las distintas teorías toman distancia en cuanto al nivel de intervención del Estado en las economías y el papel de estos ante periodos recesivos.…”
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    Cooperative Security: paradigm 2018-2022 for Colombia por Cano Cuevas, Diego Fernado, Hernández Cubides, Jairo Andrés

    Publicado 2021
    “…This article analyzes the concept of cooperative security adopted by Colombia in the defense and security policy proposed in the National Development Plan 2018-2022 "pact for Colombia, pact for equity", this is done taking as reference the conceptual framework of national security taxonomy. …”
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    Publicado 2014
    “…Thus, ethics codes are more than documents in which journalists state how to do their job in a right way. …”
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    Racism in America: Challenges in the Modern World por Bustos, Laura, Caro, Lady, Chisco, Karen

    Publicado 2016
    “…In this case, what Called the attentionwas the opening to the debate that has been a constant in a identitary formation of the United States: the implicit and explicit dynamics which show the racism in the contemporaneous world. …”
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    Bogotá Episodes por Duarte Romero, Edwin Alberto

    Publicado 2021
    “…It is proposed to relate how emptiness creates some realities, by means of identifying some signs and symbols which interpret memory or a nihilism in daily practices, then to unlink the objects meaning that surround us to create our own context or city. …”
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    “Capitalismo místico”: una exploración sobre la relación entre creencia e ideología por Cuéllar Sarmiento, Sebastián

    Publicado 2014
    “…El mundo contemporáneo asiste a un conjunto de diversas y trascendentales transformaciones, que inauguran una nueva ola de revisión conceptual para alimentar las ya clásicas categorías a la luz de los nuevos acontecimientos. …”
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    Entrevista a Humberto Arboleda: la Comuna 13, lugares invisibles como semilleros paz por CiudadPazando, Revista

    Publicado 2021
    “…Con el afán de comprender las dinámicas intrínsecas de los lugares invisibles de Colombia, y reconociendo que sólo un habitante de uno de ellos puede hablar con propiedad de lo que ocurre dentro de sus fronteras, esta entrevista está dedicada a la labor de Humberto Arboleda Monsalve, reciente ganador del Premio al Periodismo Comunitario de la Ciudad de Medellín: un hombre que ha dedicado gran parte de su vida a la labor social y el trabajo por la memoria histórica dentro de uno de los territorios que, de acuerdo a los imaginarios nacionales, es uno de los más violentos y peligrosos de la ciudad y el país: la renombrada Comuna 13. …”
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    The cultural movement of the eighties: Historical memory of the Universidad Industrial de Santander in the framework of the Colombian conflict por Díaz Boada, Lina Constanza

    Publicado 2021
    “…Based on the recognition that social memories are dispute fields, methodologically we appeal to oral history as a way of promoting the active participation of affected social actors and that, up to now, their voices have been silenced or dismissed in the resolution of their problematic. …”
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    The role of collective memory: an experience with women victims of the conflict in the municipality of Granada, Cundinamarca por Bogoya Caviedes, Giovanny Eduardo

    Publicado 2017
    “…Since the escalation of the conflict in the south of the Tolima department in the last decade of the XX century, many displaced women began a process of mourning in search of the claim of their rights. …”
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