Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 81 Para Buscar 'RENEX~'
Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 81 Para Buscar 'RENEX~', tiempo de consulta: 1.53s Limitar resultados
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    Reflexive autonomy in the field of sociology (2000-2006) por Sobral, Fernanda Antonia da Fonseca, Maranhão, Tatiana de Pino Albuquerque

    Publicado 2008
    “…It is provided a definition of reflexive autonomy and it is explaned why this concept is important for the scentific field, futhermore a tipology of autonomy is developed. …”
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    Regionalism and South American security: Are Mercosur and Unasur Relevant? por Teixeira,, Augusto Wagner Menezes

    Publicado 2010
    “…To that end, based on the Copenhagen School, I use a broadened and deepened concept of security in which the political sector gains explanatory relevance. After developing the theoretical discussion on the relationship between regional integration and security, I evaluate how Mercosur and Unasur proceed in the construction of a macro-regime of regional security. …”
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    The Social Construction of Transgenic Corn: Relevant Social Actors in Chihuahua por Fernández Nava, Marco Antonio

    Publicado 2016
    “…In this sense, transgenic corn is an unfinished object that is affected by an onslaught of struggles, opinions, agreements, disagreements, designs and redefinitions of the relevant social actors. These groups, the Democratic Campesino Front, El Barzón, National Agro-dynamic and Regional Agricultural Union of Yellow Corn Producers (UNIPRO), demonstrate how technological development is a social process. …”
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    Sistema mundial, intercambio desigual y renta de la tierra by Jaime Osorio por Martínez Álvarez, Héctor

    Publicado 2019
    “…Review of  "Sistema mundial, intercambio desigual y renta de la tierra"…”
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    Se fue, ¿a volver? Imaginarios, familia y redes sociales en la migración ecuatoriana a España (1997-2000) por Goycoechea, Alba

    Publicado 2002
    “…Este texto pretende trabajar tres aristas que explicarían la masiva migración de ecuatorianos a España durante los años 1997-2001: a) el análisis de los ‘imaginarios migrantes’ producidos por individuos y familias, así como la relación entre “migración” e “ilusión”; b) el rol de la familia y sus estrategias colectivas para posibilitar la salida migratoria, y, c) la conformación de redes sociales, espacialmente situadas, a partir de los vínculos que establecen familiares, amigos y organizaciones legales e ilegales para facilitar y reproducir el proceso.…”
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    Keys for transforming the curriculum of the Chilean education system after the pandemic por Moreira-Arenas, Alexis, Ferreira-Pinto, Israel, Obregón-Reyes, Jennifer, Quiero-Bastías, Máximo

    Publicado 2022
    “…Tensions and challenges are addressed using the indicative performance standards currently in force in Chile as a reference. The analysis reflects the accumulation of administrative functions and responsibilities carried out by the management staff. …”
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    Continuity or Change? Political Economics of Post-Crisis Argentina and the Néstor Kirchner Administration, 2003-2007 por Wylde, Christopher

    Publicado 2012
    “…Focusing on the different areas of political-economic analysis, it will demonstrate that the government (2003-2007) launched a number of key policy changes that followed Carlos Menem’s neoliberal regime. These changes provided a new path of development for Argentina and were the product of a deliberate construction by the Kirchner government, which operated under favorable international circumstances.…”
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    Argentina: de la crisis de 2001 a un nuevo presidente por D’Adamo, Orlando, García Beaudoux, Virginia, Slavinsky, Gabriel

    Publicado 2003
    “…Alfonsín no logró superar el destino de casi todos los líderes transicionales; Carlos Menem, transgresor, pragmático, no escapó a la suerte de los líderes personalistas; Fernando De la Rúa podría definirse como ausente. …”
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    Being queer in Latin America? The Emancipatory Becoming in: Lemebel, Perlongher, and Arenas por Arboleda Ríos, Paola

    Publicado 2011
    “…This article explores how, against Western homosexual impositions, Latin American writers and artists, such as Néstor Perlongher, Pedro Lemebel, and Reinaldo Arenas, propose rebel strategies for re-imagining the queer Latin American project. …”
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    Runways and ‘Perolones’: Transformationist Mediations on the Avenue of the Liberator in Caracas por Ochoa, Marcia

    Publicado 2011
    “…In Venezuela, the word “transformationist” refers to a persona assigned the masculine sex who occupies the female gender. …”
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    Towards the decolonization of the extractive regime: Patterns and limits of judicialization in mining conflicts por González-Serrano, María Ximena, Montalván-Zambrano, Digno José, Viaene, Lieselotte

    Publicado 2022
    “…Our analysis draws on theoretical references from the field of strategic litigation, the origins of international law and decolonial studies. …”
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