Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 22 Para Buscar '"The Observer"'
Mostrando 1 - 20 Resultados de 22 Para Buscar '"The Observer"', tiempo de consulta: 0.02s Limitar resultados
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    Os partidos dentro e fora do poder: a judicialização como resultado contingente da estratégia política por Matthew M. Taylor, Luciano Da Ros

    Publicado 2008
    “…Both differences were observed and some common uses of judicialization when comparing the two Presidential Administrations.…”
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    Capital social y pobreza multidimensional, el caso de hogares pobres en Monterrey, México por Luis Portales

    Publicado 2014
    “…The Metropolitan Area of Monterrey, despite having higher development indicators than most of the cities in Mexico, presents households in poverty conditions similar to those observed in the poorest regions of the country. In this context, this study presents the relationship between the households social capital located in a neighborhood with high levels of social backwardness and poverty levels. …”
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    Aprovação de empréstimos a governos subnacionais no Brasil: há espaço para comportamento político oportunista? por Paulo Roberto Arvate, Ciro Biderman, Marcos Mendes

    Publicado 2008
    “…Using "survival analysis" technique, we observed that when the State Governor requesting the loan and the Senator reporting on the matter belong to the same party coalition that helped elect the Governor, loans are approved in less time. …”
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    Border Cities and Urban Expansion: The Case of Zarumilla and Aguas Verdes on the Peru-Ecuador Border por MANUEL DAMMERT GUARDIA, VIKTOR BENSÚS

    Publicado 2017
    “…This article studies how dif ferent processes and phe - nomena at local, national, international, and global scales inf luence the socioeconomic dy - namics of borders and shape the urban landscape and residents' ties with cities on the other side of the border. i ntensive f ieldwork involving surveys, interviews, f ield observations, and the use of secondary sources took place as part of the study.…”
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    NAFTA and Wage Inequality in Mexico: An Analysis for Border Cities, 1992-2016 por Albany AGUILERA FERNÁNDEZ, David CASTRO LUGO

    Publicado 2018
    “…The results suggest that if the labor structure that existed before the consolidation of the commercial opening under NAFTA had stayed in place, the levels of wage inequality would have been lower than those observed in 2016.…”
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    Des prisons médiatiques et des prisonniers. L'institution carcérale et la pénalité face aux évolutions de l'espace public por Gwenola Ricordeau

    Publicado 2009
    “…The prison's qualification as a "total institution" is increasingly discussed, since its growing opening to the outside can be observed and democratization process allow prisoners¿ access to global information and even their freedom of expression. …”
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    Capital flows and private investment in Mexico por Carlos A. Ibarra

    Publicado 2013
    “…Both results help to explain the low transfer of capital flows to investment in Mexico, and more generally the low levels of investment observed in the country.…”
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    "Homeland security" as a State policy in 1970's Argentina por Marina Franco

    Publicado 2009
    “…This article analyses a series of legal and illegal state policies and ruling-party strategies, of a repressive nature or involving political persecution, which were implemented by Peronist governments between 1973 and 1976, in the period prior to the military dictatorship that imposed State terrorism in Argentina. The observation of these practices is combined with the study of the discourses of diverse members of the political system from the period. …”
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    Uso de Internet y prácticas políticas de los jóvenes españoles por Eva Espinar-Ruiz, María José González-Río

    Publicado 2015
    “…The main objective is to observe if there is a correlation between young peoples Internet use and their political practices. …”
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    Key drivers of migration due to violence in urban areas: a case of Medellin, Colombia por Melina Ocampo-González, Juan Gabino González-Becerril

    Publicado 2018
    “…The main sources of information will be the testimonies of Medellins forced displaced population from 2010 and observation during fieldwork carried out in the same year.…”
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    O Imaginário Social Mulher Brasileira> em Portugal: Uma Análise da Construção de Saberes, das Relações de Poder e dos Modos de Subjetivação por Mariana Selister Gomes

    Publicado 2013
    “…The second part analyzes subjectivations of Brazilian immigrant women in Portugal, drawing on interviews and participant observation, to unveil situations of prejudice and discrimination and shed light on how the women confront the discursive order by resisting and re-existing as subjects. …”
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    Factors that Influence Womens Economic Participation in Mexico por Rafael Garduño-Rivera

    Publicado 2013
    “…The hypothesis is that the regional disparities of womens participation are based on education, industrialization, urbanization and other non-observed factors. The question that this study addresses is: What regional factors influence womens participation and cause disparities in their participation across municipalities? …”
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    Cor, educação e casamento: tendências da seletividade marital no Brasil, 1960 a 2000 por Carlos Antonio Costa Ribeiro, Nelson do Valle Silva

    Publicado 2009
    “…Given that the educational system expanded and racial inequalities decreased over the years, the article aims to investigate to what extent these trends are related to the reduction in barriers to interracial marriage, as observed during the period. The authors thus analyze marriage patterns in couples of different color and schooling. …”
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    O uso de filmes para obter compreensões sobre a prática pedagógica em educação infantil: duas abordagens metodológicas por Lenira Haddad

    Publicado 2019
    “…Uma refere-se à etnografia visual e multivocal desenvolvida por Tobin e colaboradores, que deu origem à clássica obra Educação infantil em três culturas: Japão, China e Estados Unidos (2008); outra, menos conhecida, trata-se do SOPHOS, acrônimo para Second Order Phenomenological Observation Scheme Esquema de Observação Fenomenológica de Segunda Ordem, desenvolvida e testada por duas dinamarquesas: Hensen e Jensen (2004) para uma pesquisa transnacional europeia retratada em livro de Cameron e Moss (2007). …”
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    La religión y el despertar de los pueblos indígenas en América Latina por Cristián Parker Gumucio

    Publicado 2006
    “…Thus, alongside the rapid expansion of evange- licals (especially Pentecostals) among the indigenous communities, it is also observed the higher profile and the increased respect achieved by ancestral indigenous religious traditions. …”
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    Detección Precoz de Factores de Riesgo de Salud Mental en Escolares por Myriam George, Ana Ma. Squicciarini, Rolando Zapata, María Paz Guzmán, Marcela Hartley, Cecilia Silva

    Publicado 2004
    “…Explica los procedimientos utilizados en la adaptación y validación del instrumento de detección de riesgo TOCA-R (Teacher Observation of Classroom Adaptation - Revised), utilizado en el Programa de intervención psicosocial, "Habilidades para la Vida" , implementado desde 1997, por Junaeb (Junta Nacional de Auxilio Escolar y Becas), en escuelas municipales y particulares subvencionadas, con altos índices de vulnerabilidad escolar. …”
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    Publicado 2015
    “…A fin de contribuir al esclarecimiento de la intervención de la izquierda en la etapa, hemos tomado como observable al Partido Comunista Revolucionario (PCR) de la Argentina, que desplegó una estrategia de tipo insurreccionalista. …”
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    Elections and macroeconomic performance in Latin America (1979-1998) por Hugo Borsani

    Publicado 2001
    “…Les résultats des tests empiriques montrent, d'un côté, une détérioration des indicateurs étudiés une fois les élections passées, tel que le prévoyaient les modèles théoriques. D'un autre côté, on observe un plus grand dynamisme de l'activité économique pendant les années électorales chez les gouvernements de majorité législative. …”
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