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    Latin American Private Pension Funds' Vulnerabilities por Jorge Guillén

    Publicado 2011
    “…In the last years, we have been witnesses of significant large rates of return in most Latin American private pension fund institutions (ppf). This outstanding performance of funds can be explained by an economic boom in the region. …”
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    Articulações Intrapartidárias e Desempenho Eleitoral no Brasil por George Avelino, Ciro Biderman, Leonardo S. Barone

    Publicado 2012
    “…The article focuses on this problem by analyzing whether a mayors election influences his partys electoral performance in the same city. A regression discontinuity model (RDM) was used to identify the causal effect of mayors on their partys electoral performance in elections to National and State Deputies. …”
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    Fundamentos da Economia, Mercado Financeiro e Intenção de Voto: As Eleições Presidenciais Brasileiras de 1994, 1998 e 2002 por Lúcio Rennó, Anthony P. Spanakos

    Publicado 2006
    “…The results indicate that retrospective voting, based on the performance of economic fundamentals and not the financial market, predominates in Brazil.…”
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    Different monetary systems: Costs and benefits to whom? por José Luis Cordeiro

    Publicado 2003
    “…Then it compares the experiences of recent currency unions, mostly unilateral, and their relative economic performance during the recent currency crises in Latin America, East Asia and Eastern Europe. …”
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    Avaliação: exclusão ou inclusão? por José Eustáquio Romão

    Publicado 2002
    “…Neste artigo recuperamos as duas concepções de avaliação que mais têm sido usadas nos diversos momentos de verificação da performance humana: a que tenta diagnosticar dificuldades, para subsidiar sua superação e, portanto, permitir a inclusão, e a que julga e, por isso, trabalha para a exclusão. …”
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    Rewarding the Corrupt? Reelection and Scandal Involvement in the Brazilian 2006 Legislative Elections por Lúcio Remuzat Rennó Jr.

    Publicado 2008
    “…We use a dataset of Brazilian Federal Deputies legislative and electoral performance to test how involvement in corruption is related to career choice and reelection success in the 2006 elections.…”
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    Protagonistas na Sociedade Civil: Redes e Centralidades de Organizações Civis em São Paulo por Adrian Gurza Lavalle, Graziela Castello, Renata Mirandola Bichir

    Publicado 2007
    “…Using network analysis, this article identifies the main leading collective actors within civil society, and especially their different logics of performance and the dynamics of interaction amongst them. …”
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    O Impacto da Internacionalização com Foco na Inovação Tecnológica sobre as Exportações das Firmas Brasileiras por Glauco Arbix, Mario Sergio Salerno, João Alberto De Negri

    Publicado 2005
    “…Based on an unprecedented link between the principal official databases on Brazilian industry - the Industrial Survey on Technological Innovation (Pintec) and the Annual Industrial Survey (PIA) of the National Census Bureau (IBGE); the foreign trade database of the Ministry of Development, Industry and Foreign Trade - Mdic, and the Annual Report on Social Data of the Ministry of Labor and Employment (RAIS/MTE) - this study showed that the companies that use their offices abroad as a source of information for technological innovation show superior performance to the rest: they are larger, import and export more, pay higher salaries, employ workers with more education, and spend relatively more on training activities. …”
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    Interdisciplinariedad y convergencia tecnocientífica nano-bio-info-cogno por Javier Echeverría

    Publicado 2009
    “…Este artículo analiza un ejemplo relevante de tecnociencia contemporánea, el Informe Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance (CTIHP) de la National Science Foundation (NSF) norteamericana, en el que se promueve un nuevo tipo de interdisciplinariedad, nano-bio-info-cogno (NBIC). …”
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    Cultura: la performación de mundos sociomateriales por Ignacio Farías

    Publicado 2014
    “…Secondly, it is proposed that the performation of said worlds depends on material mediations. …”
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    Los signos del cambio y el orden de las diferencias: réquiem para una modernidad homogénea por Saúl Millán

    Publicado 1997
    “…The article proposes the resource of an infinitesimal ethnography which is able to show new regimes of signs where insignificance performs as an entity.…”
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    Diferenciais no comportamento reprodutivo das mulheres Brasileiras: uma análise a partir dos grupos ocupacionais por Cláudio Santiago Dias Júnior

    Publicado 2010
    “…Women's birth histories were reconstructed, and demographic tools were used to perform a descriptive analysis of the relationship between women's reproductive behavior and their occupation. …”
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    Equivalencia y valor en procesos de reciprocidad e intercambio entre los mapuches por Julio Tereucán-Angulo, Claudio Briceño-Olivera, José Gálvez-Nieto

    Publicado 2016
    “…However, this topic has had limited attention among the Mapuche, especially within the area of social practices that people and domestic groups perform in rural communities. The objective of this article is the analysis of reciprocity and exchange from the perspective of interchangeability and associated processes in Mapuche communities, to later evaluate the principles involved, especially the ones related to the equivalence and value of reciprocity; postulating that based on the analysis the following can understood: practices of social organization, economic relations, everyday social interactions between domestic groups, among other areas. …”
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    Análise Comparada do Fluxo do Sistema de Justiça para o Crime de Estupro por Joana Domingues Vargas

    Publicado 2007
    “…The article draws on a study I performed on rape cases tried by the court system in Campinas, São Paulo State, and the study by Gary LaFree on rape cases in the United States, based on data in Indianapolis, Indiana. …”
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    A voz e o corpo: linguagem, estética e complexidade para uma reflexão no teatro de Antonin Artaud por Edson Fernandes

    Publicado 2001
    “…Este artigo procura refletir sobre a voz e o corpo como elementos da estética, da linguagem e da comunicação, discutindo a corporeidade e a vocalidade como performances de narrativas míticas, simbólicas e ritualísticas. …”
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    Os Efeitos da Migração Interpartidária na Conduta Parlamentar por Celso Roma

    Publicado 2007
    “…Dans cet article, on cherche à comparer les performances des députés loyaux et déserteurs sous l´angle de la cohésion et de la discipline de parti, ainsi qu´à mesurer les effets du changement de parti sur la conduite et sur la façon de penser des migrants. …”
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