Sumario: | Previous experiences demonstrated the efficiency of the floating system for growing
lisianthus (Eustoma grandiflorum L.) seedlings. Using this system, root growth usually
expands through the plug cell drainage hole into the solution originating some difficulties
at transplant. Pruning roots could facilitate transplant as seedlings could be taken out of
the tray more easily. However, root damages at the cutting point are a possible access for
pathogens. The use of Cu(OH)2 in the nutrient solution as a chemical pruning method was
evaluated. Lisianthus seeds were sown in floating trays and placed in nutrient solutions
containing 0, 12, 23, 46, 92 and 138 g L-1 Cu(OH)2. After 30, 40, 47 and 54 days, fresh and dry weights of seedlings were recorded. When seedlings reached four expanded leaves
they were transplanted to soil in a greenhouse. At flowering, shoots were harvested to
evaluate flower stem quality. Total root and shoot fresh and dry weights were higher for
seedlings cultivated with 0.023 or higher doses of Cu(OH)2. However, roots mass inside
the tray cell were higher in all treatments compared to the control. The use of Cu(OH)2
during plug stage improved transplant size and no effect on further plant growth and
development was observed.