Organizational learning in public institutions of Bolivar's region: A proposal for improvement

The organizational learning is outstanding in the current context of the global economy, since the organizations change and they at great speed transform. Under these conditions, it has been said that they will only succeed those companies that are able to learn in a consistent way quicker and bette...

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Autor principal: Pardo-Ramos, Oscar Felipe
Formato: Revistas
Publicado: Universidad de Cartagena 2006
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author Pardo-Ramos, Oscar Felipe
author_facet Pardo-Ramos, Oscar Felipe
author_sort Pardo-Ramos, Oscar Felipe
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description The organizational learning is outstanding in the current context of the global economy, since the organizations change and they at great speed transform. Under these conditions, it has been said that they will only succeed those companies that are able to learn in a consistent way quicker and better than their competitors, it would be that when diffusing it in their interior, incorporate it quickly to the new technologies and products, challenge that it also face the government's organizations. Under this perspective a descriptions of the characteristics of the organizational learning begins in the public entities of the national order in Bolivar Department of the factor» that affect this learning and the knowledge and analysis of their causes and outstanding impacts in this institutions setting down. At the end it shows up the general conclusions and some proposals for their improvement.Key Words: organizational, learning knowledge, management, government sector, impeller factors of the learning, barriers of the learning, formation and development, public servant, competences.
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spelling Organizational learning in public institutions of Bolivar's region: A proposal for improvement El aprendizaje organizacional en las entidades públicas del orden nacional el departamento de Bolívar: Propuesta de mejoramiento Pardo-Ramos, Oscar Felipe The organizational learning is outstanding in the current context of the global economy, since the organizations change and they at great speed transform. Under these conditions, it has been said that they will only succeed those companies that are able to learn in a consistent way quicker and better than their competitors, it would be that when diffusing it in their interior, incorporate it quickly to the new technologies and products, challenge that it also face the government's organizations. Under this perspective a descriptions of the characteristics of the organizational learning begins in the public entities of the national order in Bolivar Department of the factor» that affect this learning and the knowledge and analysis of their causes and outstanding impacts in this institutions setting down. At the end it shows up the general conclusions and some proposals for their improvement.Key Words: organizational, learning knowledge, management, government sector, impeller factors of the learning, barriers of the learning, formation and development, public servant, competences. El aprendizaje organizacional es relevante en el contexto actual de la economía global, dado que las organizaciones cambian y se transforman a gran velocidad. Bajo estas condiciones, se ha dicho que sólo alcanzarán el éxito las empresas que de UII modo consistente sean capaces de aprender más rápido y mejor que sus competidoras, sea que creen un nuevo conocimiento o lo adquieran del entorno y que al difundirlo en su interior, lo incorporen rápidamente a las nuevas tecnologías .ti productos, reto que también enfrentan las organizaciones públicas. Bajo esta perspectiva se inicia una descripción de las características del aprendizaje organizacional en las entidades públicas del orden nacional en el Departamento de Bolívar, estableciendo los factores que afectan dicho aprendizaje y el conocimiento y análisis de sus causas e impactos relevantes en dichas instituciones. Al final se presentan las conclusiones generales y algunas propuestas para su mejoramiento.Palabras Clave: Aprendizaje Organizacional, Gestión Del Conocimiento, Sector Público, Factores Impulsores, Barreras, Formación y Desarrollo, Servidor Público, Competencias.  Universidad de Cartagena 2006-01-01 info:eu-repo/semantics/article info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersion application/pdf 10.32997/2463-0470-vol.14-num.14-2006-416 Panorama Económico Journal; Vol. 14 (2006); 9-84 Panorama Económico; Vol. 14 (2006); 9-84 Panorama Económico; v. 14 (2006); 9-84 2463-0470 0122-8900 10.32997/2463-0470-vol.14-num.14-2006 spa /*ref*/Ararnburu, N, (2000). Un estudio del aprendizaje organizativo desde la perspectiva del cambio: implicaciones estratégicas y organizativas. Tesis doctoral. Universidad Deusto, San Sebastián. /*ref*/Argyris, Ch. (2001). Sobre el aprendizaje organizacionaL 2a. ed. México, D. F. Oxford. University Press. /*ref*/Argyris, Ch. Y Schon, D. (1978). 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spellingShingle Pardo-Ramos, Oscar Felipe
Organizational learning in public institutions of Bolivar's region: A proposal for improvement
title Organizational learning in public institutions of Bolivar's region: A proposal for improvement
title_full Organizational learning in public institutions of Bolivar's region: A proposal for improvement
title_fullStr Organizational learning in public institutions of Bolivar's region: A proposal for improvement
title_full_unstemmed Organizational learning in public institutions of Bolivar's region: A proposal for improvement
title_short Organizational learning in public institutions of Bolivar's region: A proposal for improvement
title_sort organizational learning in public institutions of bolivar's region: a proposal for improvement