O r igins of sedentary life in equalitarian pre-hispanic societies in northern South America

In this article we will present archaeological evidence to illustrate such important historical phenomena as: early settlement, different levels of early sedentary lifestyle, and the beginnings of early food production implemented by egalitarian hunter-gatherer societies in North South America (Vene...

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Autor principal: Rodríguez, Carlos Armando
Formato: Revistas
Publicado: Centro de Publicaciones Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador 2019
Acceso en línea:http://cuadernosdeantropologia-puce.edu.ec/index.php/antropologia/article/view/191
Sumario:In this article we will present archaeological evidence to illustrate such important historical phenomena as: early settlement, different levels of early sedentary lifestyle, and the beginnings of early food production implemented by egalitarian hunter-gatherer societies in North South America (Venezuela, Colombia and Ecuador) and Lower Central America (Panama), between the Pleistocene Terminal (16,500 B.P.-11,000 B.P.) and the Pleistocene-Holocene Transition (11,000 B.P.-10,000 B.P.). In order to document these sociocultural phenomena, interdisciplinary analysis of 22 pre-ceramic sites has been used, of which 14 are Colombian sites, three Panamanians, two Ecuadorians and three Venezuelans. The chronological location of these archaeological sites is based on 40 radiocarbon dates.