Citizenship and sociopolitical practices of the organization of the displaced, ethnic and peasant population, Montes de María

This article analyses the category of citizenship in perspective of the construction of political community from the theoretical statement of Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau. In order to do so, this analysis studies the socio-political practices performed by an organization of ethnic, peasant, and...

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Autor principal: Contreras Tiguaque, Camilo Arturo
Formato: Revistas
Publicado: Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas 2018
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Sumario:This article analyses the category of citizenship in perspective of the construction of political community from the theoretical statement of Chantal Mouffe and Ernesto Laclau. In order to do so, this analysis studies the socio-political practices performed by an organization of ethnic, peasant, and displaced population of Montes de Maria - OPDS. Thereby, approaching the experience of the OPDS from the postulates of Mouffe and Laclau allows exploring diverse theoretical and practical elements that contribute with the radicalization of plural democracy. Finally, the method proposed comes from the discursive studies, particularly from the documentary analysis because the base of the quest is the article Mesa de interlocución y concertación campesina de los Montes de María. Propuesta de desarrollo rural y agrario construida por organizaciones campesinas, afrodescendientes, consejos comunitarios, cabildos indígenas, mujeres, jóvenes y víctimas del conflicto armado de Montes de María.