Regionalismo unilateralmente orientado: a dimensão da infraestrutura na política para a América do Sul dos governos Lula da Silva (2003-2010): Unilaterally Oriented Regionalism: the infrastructure dimension in the Lula da Silva’s government (2003-2010) policies towards South America

Within the analysis of the infrastructure dimension for the brazilian foreign policies during Lula's government (2003-2010) towards South America (2003-2010), this article aims to point out the correlation between the regional policy and the projection of the development model adopted, the neo-...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Honório, Karen dos Santos, Neves, Bárbara Carvalho
Formato: info:eu-repo/semantics/article
Publicado: Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciências 2020
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Sumario:Within the analysis of the infrastructure dimension for the brazilian foreign policies during Lula's government (2003-2010) towards South America (2003-2010), this article aims to point out the correlation between the regional policy and the projection of the development model adopted, the neo-developmentalism. The political activism, the construction of a multilateral agenda through the creation of regional institutions, such as the South-American Regional Infrastructure Integration Initiative (IIRSA) and the South-American Infrastructure and Planning Council (COSIPLAN), and the national export incentive policies towards the construction sector, leveraged the brazilian financing at the regional level. It is argued that the infrastructure dimension allowed the projection of the brazilian private interests in its regional policy.