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Two Perspectives on Ecuador:
Rafael Correa´s Political Project

Adrián Bonilla y César Montúfar
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Bonilla, Adrián and César Montúfar (2008). "Two Perspectives on Ecuador: Rafael Correa´s Political Project". Interamerican Dialogue. Andean Working Paper.
Adrián Bonilla: The most important characteristic of the Ecuadoran political process during the presidency of Rafael Correa is the concentration of power in the hands of the executive. This consolidation is the result of both the slow erosion of Ecuador´s political institutions and Correa´s strong personal popularity. César Montúfar: This article examines the context in which Rafael Correa became president, his initiatives, and his accomplishments, followed by a review of the type of constitution he seeks and likely scenarios following the constitutional referendum. Brief mention is also made of Correa´s foreign policy and the state of the economy.