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Pancho Jaime

Xavier Andrade
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Andrade, X. (2008). Pancho Jaime. En C. de la Torre, S. Striffler (Eds.), The Ecuador Reader (pp. 385-387). Durham: Duke U.P.
The contraversial independent journalist Víctor Francisco Jaime Orellana, widely known as Pancho Jaime, or PJ, was born in Guayaquil in 1946 and assassinated there in September 1989. Today, people remember him as a rockero (rocker) and as a political activist. Some see PJ as either a puppet in the hands of populist leaders, or as the last truly honest, independent fighter for popular causes. Equally important, many see PJ as "un verdadero macho"(a true macho man), an honor conferred on him for the ballsy, personal flair with which he denounced political corruption. At the same time,Jaime is widely considered an example of a "style" believed to be common among working-class sectors, one characterized by vulgar, violent language and a disproportionate emphasis on sexual references. The anthropologist X. Andrade leaves it up to the reader to decide.