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Out of Place: Translations of Race, Ethnicity, Sexuality and Citizenship in Washington, D.C and San Salvador, El Salvador
María Amelia Viteri
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María Amelia Viteri. Out of Place: Translations of Race, Ethnicity, Sexuality and Citizenship in Washington, D.C and San Salvador, El Salvador. Pp. 180-197. York, UK: Raw Nerve Books.
This chapter critically analyses the intersections between identity and subjectivity to account for the instability of categories that are racially and ethnically constituted within renewed understandings of queer and Latino, of race, ethnicity, sexuality and citizenship. The chapter collected six in-depth interviews between 2004-2006 in the District of Columbia with Stacey, Juan Fernando, Arlyn, Jade, Amarillo and Ticov, first-generation LCentro community members that self-identify as LGB or T and Latino. Furthermore on two in-depth interviews with Romero and Amaranta collected during field research conducted in San Salvador, El Salvador in the summer of 2006. The chapter wants to illustrate the way in which US identity categories such as queer and Latino/ are not stable categories but are constantly invented, reinvented and politicized confronting the apparent fixity of current understandings and interpretations of race and sexuality.