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One Step Forward and Two Steps Back: The Indigenous Movement, Democracy and Politics in Ecuador

Fredy Rivera Vélez
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Rivera, Fredy (2011). One Step Forward and Two Steps Back: The Indigenous Movement, Democracy and Politics in Ecuador. En Y. Murakami, H. Yamamoto, H. Komori (Eds), Enduring States in the Face of Challenges From Within and Without (pp.148-179). Japan: Kyoto University Press.
In the last two decades, Ecuador has been exposed to a series of political and economic problems that have affected its democratic governance, specially with regard to the full observance of human rights and the possibility of building representative, legitimate, and efficient institutions under a favorable political framework for the economic and social benefit of its inhabitants. Broadly speaking, these problems have placed in doubt the viability of an effective Ecuadorian state in the immediate future that can respect the rules of democracy,especially as they pertain to different actors of civil society and governmental authorities.